2nd level submenues dont appear in the native menues. Menues like select, measure, decorations, panels, toolbars, define, ... in this pictures http://www.opengis.ch/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/P20120225154722.png http://imageshack.us/f/689/screenshotfrom201207291.png/ are not in the native android menu
This is a crippling issue for Qgis on Android (at least on Asus TF300) that makes a good part of the program's functionality inaccessible, unfortunately including its single most important feature on a mobile device -- the GPS panel. All submenus off the main toolbar are non functional, and the QT main toolbar is gone.
Hello! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this project has been unmaintained for many years and I will be closing this bug.