While doing my workflow, in view mode, reviewing each photos and hitting next after tagging/rating, I have a lot of time where Progress Manager pops all the time or stays open very long time which blocks my picture viewing. It would be better if the following were progress manager configuration settings: - number of seconds before disappearance (default 2 sec; 0 don't disappear) - expand Progress Manager (PM) at each action or no - no PM expansion in view mode or in full screen - if some actions are stalled (no progress after x sec/min), put an attention symbol Reproducible: Always
as a sidenote, when clicking on arrow to collapse progress manager, keyboard shortcut loses focus => before can use pgup/down to change image, after can't (have to do F3 twice to restore "keyboard focus")
I agree that PM appears to often. A delay of 2 secs seems appropriate, and it should expand only when made so by clicking on the up-arrow. I believe all this is meant to be as I say, maybe there's a bug or two. Btw, please no config option for this, we can agree on sane defaults.
still valid in 2.8.0 (kde 4.8.5, lubuntu 12.04 ppa). No settings > Progress manager :(
On linux/3.4, the pop-up appears no more, only when clicking on arrow so much better Test on 3.4 (lubuntu 13.10/kde 4.11.3 main install). pending on 3.5(macos 10.9/kde 4.11.4/macports, mostly w network share)(long collection scanning...)