Some background colors in some color schemes (e.g. view active background in default oxygen is especially bad) have really low contrast with the corresponding normal background color. This makes them less effective in communicating information, especially if being used to e.g. highlight text in a larger area (see especially bug 303786). In particular, view background colors in oxygen have wildly varying contrast w.r.t. view normal view background; e.g. active is very poor, while positive may be too much. (Other schemes, however - e.g. Obsidian Coast - have relatively uniform contrast .) It would be better if KColorScheme's generated background colors adjusted the tint amount to achieve a more uniform contrast level across the various background colors. Reproducible: Always This is effectively a bug in my code, that I'm reporting a: for tracking purposes, and b: because I don't have a KDE build at the moment :-(. If someone wants to work on it, please contact me, as I can provide detailed technical information on my current guess at the best way to fix it.
Hi, kdelibs (version 4 and earlier) is no longer maintained since a few years. KDE Frameworks 5 or 6 might already have resolved this bug. If not, please re-open against the matching framework if feasible or against the application that shows the issue. We then can still dispatch it to the right Bugzilla product or component. Greetings Christoph Cullmann