I was using Telepathy having one msn account connected. When I chose some presence options, such as "not visible" or "not available" the status turned to "busy". Another even more troubling thing was that sometimes,the presence bar stuck changing continuously between 2 options, not letting me even turn the presence status to "online" or anything else.
Can you repeat this in 0.5?
I will try to reproduce it when I have some time.....
The bug still seems to remain in version 0.5, I just reproduced it. Important Note: I have an older version of libqt4-dev installed (4.7.4) and cannot upgrade for now. Can anyone else reproduce this? Follow these steps: 1)Login in an msn account. 2)Switch your status to online-if not set by default. 3)Switch your status to invisible, or anything else except busy //it wrongly turns to busy. Try different combinations of changing statuses /*In some cases, it might turn unstable between 2 conditions.*/
Are you using msn over xmpp or regular msn (with telepathy-haze)? Do you have more accounts enabled or just msn? I can't reproduce it here, but it turns to busy whenever you select a presence that the account does not support.
I know this, but I have only an msn (with haze) account enabled.Probably msn does not support invisible status, and it turns to busy.The main problem is that it becomes unstable between 2 conditions, busy and invisible for example.This does not seem to happen all the times, in fact I have to repeat those steps 4-5 times before this bug occurs.
Have you ever managed to reproduce this with other account than msn?
I cannot reproduce this. If I go "not-available", msn presence becomes "away" because msn probably does not support not-available. If I go "invisible", msn presence becomes "invisible" as expected, perhaps it was fixed in tp-haze Closing this, please reopen it if you still have issues