sometime when i delete an message or if i move a message to another folder, it come back to the message list Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1.Deleted email 2. 3. Actual Results: sometime the email come back to the message list Expected Results: message should be deleted
infos : - type of server ? - how to reproduce ? - Trash folder ? etc. Please add more infos. Otherwise it's not possble to reproduce/debug Thaks
type of server? x86 that happen when i click on a email in the inbox and i delete it or when i take a mesage from the inbox and put it in another folder in kmail2. Message delete is in the trash but it continue to be in the inbox Message moved is in the inbox and in the folder
server imap ? server pop 3 ? :)
pop 3 server
i posted a video of the problem on youtube:
seem fixed with kde 4.9.3