Amarok version : 2.5.0 When playing a stream eg:, the current track applet displays Unknown Artist and Unknown Album. Debug output shows amarok does receive the metadata from the phonon backend. amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotMetaDataChanged() amarok: [EngineController] Artist : ("") amarok: [EngineController] Album : ("Radio Paradise") amarok: [EngineController] Title : ("Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World") amarok: [EngineController] Genre : ("Various") amarok: [EngineController] Tracknumber: ("") amarok: [EngineController] Length : () amarok: [EngineController] Track changed: false current: 0x1953dd0 url "" amarok: [EngineController] no spam amarok: BEGIN: void MetaStream::Track::Private::currentMetadataChanged(QVariantMap) amarok: END__: void MetaStream::Track::Private::currentMetadataChanged(QVariantMap) [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotMetaDataChanged() [Took: 0s] Metadata ready, sending to zeitgeist Current state: 2 Sending "Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World by " to zeitgeist Zeitgeist mime type: "audio/raw" Zeitgeist URL: QUrl( "" ) mediasource type: 1 amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::checkForDirectoryChanges() amarok: BEGIN: void DirWatchJob::setPaused(bool) amarok: END__: void DirWatchJob::setPaused(bool) [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void ScanManager::checkForDirectoryChanges() [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool MainWindow::queryExit() amarok: BEGIN: void MainWindow::saveLayout() amarok: END__: void MainWindow::saveLayout() [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: virtual bool MainWindow::queryExit() [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: virtual App::~App() amarok: [ScanManager] Abort scan: "Abort requested from SqlCollection::stopScan()" amarok: BEGIN: void TimecodeObserver::stopped(qint64, qint64) amarok: END__: void TimecodeObserver::stopped(qint64, qint64) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void WikipediaEnginePrivate::_stopped() amarok: END__: void WikipediaEnginePrivate::_stopped() [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void OSDWidget::show(const QString&, const QImage&) amarok: END__: void OSDWidget::show(const QString&, const QImage&) [Took: 0.007s] amarok: BEGIN: void Context::ContextView::slotTrackChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void Context::ContextView::slotTrackChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void RecentlyPlayedListWidget::trackChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: BEGIN: void RecentlyPlayedListWidget::updateWidget() amarok: END__: void RecentlyPlayedListWidget::updateWidget() [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void RecentlyPlayedListWidget::trackChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void WikipediaEnginePrivate::_checkRequireUpdate(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void WikipediaEnginePrivate::_checkRequireUpdate(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void LyricsAppletPrivate::_trackDataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void LyricsAppletPrivate::_trackDataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: Playlist properties changed; can go next: true ; can go previous: false amarok: BEGIN: void Amarok::Mpris2DBusHandler::updateTrackProperties() QString::arg: Argument missing: /PendingTrack, /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 amarok: END__: void Amarok::Mpris2DBusHandler::updateTrackProperties() [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptManager::~ScriptManager() amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() amarok: END__: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() amarok: END__: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: virtual ScriptManager::~ScriptManager() [Took: 0.011s] Reproducible: Always
This is a problem with the phonon-backend-gstreamer, not reproducible with the phonon-backend-vlc. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 300189 ***
This is reproducible with phonon-backend-vlc. As you can see from the logs I posted above, amarok does receive metadata from the phonon-backend, it just does not display it.
Which version of the phonon-backend-vlc are you using? FWIW, I can't even use that stream, it crashes with a floating point exception in Pulseaudio, using the phonon-backend-vlc 0.5.0 and Amarok 2.5-git of today
phonon-backend-vlc-0.5.0-1.fc16.1.x86_64 I can run amarok GIT version of today if I remove the lyrics applet. Otherwise I get a crash.
Oh, now I also get it, removed the lyrics app. Confirmed and reassigning back to Amarok. Thank you very much for testing with git as well. This bug was introduced with the above commit. The author Bart Cerneels<> would be the best person to fix this bug.
Bart, any ideas?
I'll look, at it tomorrow. Think I know how to fix it already.
Git commit b4c58f9eff09333ff4ba47681229737cb485e10c by Bart Cerneels. Committed on 29/05/2012 at 22:21. Pushed by shanachie into branch 'master'. Fix stream metadata update via MetaProxy. Do to thread affinity EngineController::currentMetadataChanged() signal was never delivered to MetaStream::Track::Private. Solved by forcing a direct slot connection. Note: Stream metadata changes while playing is broken in Phonon-gstreamer 4.6.0 but it's fixed in 4.6.1 according to tdfisher. M +17 -18 src/core-impl/meta/stream/Stream_p.h
Yes, its fixed in GIT now.