active-okular cannot open djvu and chm files (error message says "No plugin for mimetype ...") Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.install active-okular in meego with active plasma, devel release from terminal a document with active-documentviewer Actual Results: Cannot open djvu and chm files Expected Results: Should open the file or display en error message to warn the user. active-okular should use the same okular core library as the classic okular application. When installing active-okular the okular backend should remain the same.
"active-okular should use the same okular core library as the classic okular application." it does. the file formats you list require more dependencies which i guess are not on the image: libchm and DjVuLibre. of course, if those dependencies are not met, then the .desktop file should not advertise it spuports them, either.
Should this be closed as invalid?
Since neither libchm nor djVuLibre are available in the repos, I cannot test whether Okular Active would be able to open chm and djvu files if those packages were present. Aaron: Are you certain that missing packages are the only problem here? If so, I'll close the bug as invalid.
DjVu is really an important format to support. If DjVu libre is missing in Mer/PA repos, may it should be added?