Users should be able when viewing pictures (view mode) to display some chosen metadata (exposure, focal, legend, ...) overlaid on the picture somewhere (center, corners, ...). When browsing picture to rate them, you want also to display some metadata and not always want to edit them at the same time Paide software like lightroom can do this.
In view mode, toogle on metadata view from right sidebar, and choose your dedicated metadata filter customizable into Metadata Setup control panel. Gilles Caulier
They are two things, I am looking for - a personalized set of metadata: the right panel seems to be like this with full/user toogle, but I fail to customize (Configure Digikam > Metadata > EXIF display) or maybe it's elsewhere ? not sure where is metadata setup control panel. found nothing here - overlay these informations on the picture (or blank part around the pictures) to avoid losing space as I only have a netbook screen
Example of overlay in Lightroom don't understand why this status as been changed to RESOLVED/INVALID.