When a new message comes, the plasmoid should raise the hidden panels. Otherwise, users of panels which hide automatically, will not notice new messages when having a conversation. (You can click on your panel's cashew->More Settings->Auto-hide to enable hidden panels)
Need to talk to plasma upstream in order to be able to do this.
If you manage to do this, I suggest not to raise the hidden panel if the user is busy, dnd, etc
http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/QML/API#AppletContainer we should look into this...
Git commit e682d7558adf3027aada70f62b7612ec2cbec4fa by Aleix Pol. Committed on 21/02/2013 at 13:56. Pushed by apol into branch 'master'. Add ConversationsModel::totalUnreadCount property Adds a property to the ConversationsModel to tell how many unread messages we have. REVIEW: 109073 M +12 -0 KTp/Declarative/conversations-model.cpp M +7 -0 KTp/Declarative/conversations-model.h http://commits.kde.org/telepathy-common-internals/e682d7558adf3027aada70f62b7612ec2cbec4fa
Git commit 07c4d17efb852f8cac9944a8269d6257ad66bc03 by Aleix Pol. Committed on 21/02/2013 at 13:56. Pushed by apol into branch 'master'. Figure out the chat plasmoid state Tell the plasmoid state given the open conversations and the unread messages. REVIEW: 109072 M +17 -0 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/contents/ui/main.qml http://commits.kde.org/telepathy-contact-applet/07c4d17efb852f8cac9944a8269d6257ad66bc03