MediaArtStorageSpec provides a mechanism for applications to store and retrieve artwork associated with media content, like music from an album, the logo for a radio station, or a graphic representing a podcast. The storage medium for artwork is a file system, inside a user's home directory. It's already in use by Banshee and tracker on the Nokia N9 smartphone. If we save album art using this spec it will be picked up by those applications. If we search for album art using this spec we avoid overhead and reduce code complexity. This can be implemented in the Amarok CollectionScanner, nepomuk and other KDE components where it makes sense.
Could be a season of KDE or big Junior Job task.
The spec also contains support for artist art. Using this we could add real artist pictures to the collection browser.
In UMSCollectionLocation, when copying tracks onto (for instance) a N9, it would be preferred to also use this spec. Avoiding extra copies of art embedded in each track.
well, not really a needed feature, as it relies on a Gnome library, and no other player than Banshee implements that spec...