Objective: Make it easier for the user to add a track to a given playlist when browsing his/her collection directly from the media source Idea: Adding a contextual entry in the media source view named "Add to playlist:..." Clicking on it would display a subcontextual menu with all playlists that amarok has in its database Clicking on one playlist will add the track add the end of the given playlist Similar realisations The principle could be similar to Kmail when you right click on a message and click on mark as (it then shows a list of all nepomuk tags that are registered) State of the art in the concurrence Recent versions of windows media player have such a feature. However, following is to criticize: WMP usually present you only the recently used playlist to quickly click on them. Other playlist are reachable through dialog box which is not necesseraly quick and ergonomical We could do better by having the first five lines being the recent playlist you clicked and/or the most listened playlist. and all other lines being an alphabetical list of all existing playlist This feature would be very usefull to quickly "threw" track into several playlists while you are browsing your collection
Closed per request of reporter.