When clicking on a mail in kmail it takes very long until the mail is displayed. I had a look at it with the akonadiconsole and watched the kmail2-xxxxxx tab in the debugger. I have some logs I'm willing to send you but I don't think it's a good idea to post them here. It seems that especially these queries are slow: 189 OK SEARCH completed 190 SEARCH "prefix nco:<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nco#>SELECT DISTINCT ?person WHERE { graph ?g { ?person <http://akonadi-project.org/ontologies/aneo#akonadiItemId> ?itemId . ?person a nco:PersonContact ; nco:hasEmailAddress ?email . ?email nco:emailAddress \"xxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com\"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> . } }" FULLPAYLOAD EXTERNALPAYLOAD (UID REMOTEID REMOTEREVISION COLLECTIONID FLAGS SIZE DATETIME) They sometimes show up multiple times, and it seems the more often they show up the longer the retrieval takes. And sometimes email addresses show up that don't seem to have anything to do with the email that's being fetched. Also the email headers seem to be fetched twice. And doing a right click on an email to bring up the context menu takes very long, too. Well, I really don't know how I can provide you with more useful information so let me know If you need something. In KDE 4.7 a restart of akonadi fixed that problem but in KDE 4.8.1 this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Looks like this one is for the server.
Please check if the Nepomuk query service is still responding when this happens, by running "qdbus org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukqueryservice /nepomukqueryservice". If that fails or hangs, this is caused by the query service being stuck, restarting Nepomuk should help as a workaround.
Stumbled across the same problem. "qdbus org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukqueryservice /nepomukqueryservice" hangs and restarting Nepomuk solves the problem (temporarily).
It happened again. This time I checked nepomuk via "qdbus org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukqueryservice /nepomukqueryservice" and as expected, it hung and restarting nepomuk solved the problem.
I haven't had this problem for a long time now. So I guess we can close the bug report, or does this still happen to somebody?
let's resolve it then.