It says (process:22275): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: Settings schema 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Logger' is not installed among other debug stuff and then segfaults. The viewer should check for tp-logger and warn/instruct the user about missing tp-logger. Maybe even fire up package-kit/alike?
In my case I had tp-logger installed but I kept getting this crash. After installing empathy and its dependencies it worked, then I uninstalled all dependencies one by one trying to find which one was the culprit but I couldn't :/ Now I don't have empathy or any of its dependencies installed and logger is working.
Some more info, what I was missing due to a bug in archlinux packages was: glib-compile-schemas usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas Be sure that is executed once you install telepathy-logger
GLib always crashes when GSettings schemas are not available. This is a packaging issue and it's up to distributions packagers to properly set dependencies on TelepathyLogger and TelepathyLoggerQt and ensure that GSettings schemas are compiled after installation.