Use a constantly updated notification for each text-ui instead of spamming the desktop with a new notification for each new message… <eliasp> would it be possible to remove notifications from the notification stack as soon as I focus the window which triggered the notification? <d_ed> hmm, that's a good idea <d_ed> text ui could do with sharing 1 notification anyway <d_ed> rather than constantly adding new ones <eliasp> hm, don't know how that could look like, 1 single notification for all text-ui events… <d_ed> "so it says <d_ed> Eliapsp "blah blah blah"... <d_ed> then changes to <d_ed> "blah blah balh + 1 other message <d_ed> and keeps changing
I think that's implemented in 0.6.0.
It's not, that was for error messages, not for text-ui notifications.
Dear user, unfortunately Telepathy is no longer maintained. Please migrate to another solution, e.g. for Jabber a possibility is Kaidan, for Matrix a candidate is NeoChat.