Version: 4.7 (using KDE 4.7.3) OS: Linux Following sentence if displayed by kMail "Ihre Antwort als Sitz wird erbeten" while "Ihre Antwort als Leiter wird erbeten" when displaying the following ICS file. I also do not really understand why kMail requests any action from me at all: a) I'm not the event's creator (XXX@XXX) but was only invited (XXX2@XXX2). b) Even if I was the creator / Chair, why would I need to take any action, this is just a confirmation the the invited guy (me) confirmed the invitation, right? BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML KOrganizer 4.7.4//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT CREATED:20111221T184511Z ORGANIZER;CN=3D"Ohrner-Datensyst Ohrner/059/EXT/EEC":MAILTO: ATTENDEE;CN=3D"XXX";RSVP=3DFALSE; PARTSTAT=3DACCEPTED;ROLE=3DCHAIR;X-UID=3D48199200:mailto: XXX@XXX ATTENDEE;RSVP=3DTRUE;PARTSTAT=3DNEEDS-ACTION;ROLE=3DREQ-PARTICIPANT; X-UID=3D48106128:mailto:XXX2@XXX2 X-LOTUS-APPTTYPE:3 X-LOTUS-BROADCAST:FALSE X-LOTUS-NOTESVERSION:2 X-LOTUS-NOTICETYPE:I X-LOTUS-UPDATE-SEQ:1 X-LOTUS-UPDATE-WISL:$S:1;$L:1;$B:1;$R:1;$E:1;$W:1;$O:1;$M:1 DTSTAMP:20111221T120357Z UID:77BEEBF2D107DB0DC125796D00422C8E-Lotus_Notes_Generated SEQUENCE:1 LAST-MODIFIED:20111221T184437Z SUMMARY:Z=C3=A4hleXXXX CATEGORIES:Privat DTSTART:20120110T140000Z DTEND:20120110T150000Z TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: I received the following invitation and accepted: BEGIN:VCALENDAR X-LOTUS-CHARSET:UTF-8 VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 7.0//EN METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:W. Europe BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:19501029T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 RRULE:FREQ=3DYEARLY;BYMINUTE=3D0;BYHOUR=3D2;BYDAY=3D-1SU;BYMONTH=3D10 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:19500326T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 RRULE:FREQ=3DYEARLY;BYMINUTE=3D0;BYHOUR=3D2;BYDAY=3D-1SU;BYMONTH=3D3 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=3D"W. Europe":20120110T150000 DTEND;TZID=3D"W. Europe":20120110T160000 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTSTAMP:20111221T120357Z SEQUENCE:0 ATTENDEE;ROLE=3DCHAIR;PARTSTAT=3DACCEPTED ;CN=3D"XXX";RSVP=3DFALSE :mailto:XXX@XXX ATTENDEE;ROLE=3DREQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=3DNEEDS-ACTION;RSVP=3DTRUE :mailto:XXX2@XXX2 CLASS:PUBLIC SUMMARY:Z=C3=A4hleXXXX ORGANIZER;CN=3D"XXX" :mailto:XXX@XXX UID:77BEEBF2D107DB0DC125796D00422C8E-Lotus_Notes_Generated X-LOTUS-BROADCAST:FALSE X-LOTUS-UPDATE-SEQ:1 X-LOTUS-UPDATE-WISL:$S:1;$L:1;$B:1;$R:1;$E:1;$W:1;$O:1;$M:1 X-LOTUS-NOTESVERSION:2 X-LOTUS-NOTICETYPE:I X-LOTUS-APPTTYPE:3 X-LOTUS-CHILD_UID:77BEEBF2D107DB0DC125796D00422C8E END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Actual Results: An invitation confirmation with strange to and from addresses was generated by kMail or kOrganizer: (See Details field above.) It had my own address as the "To" address, the creator's address as the "From" address, and requested me to confirm the confirmation as the meeting's "Sitz", which is a wrong translation of "Chair" in this context. "Leiter" would probably be the correct translation. Expected Results: The confirmation should have been sent to the event's creator, not to me. (To and From were swapped.) Additionally, the German translation of its text was wrong, correct would be: "Ihre Antwort als Leiter wird erbeten." The set of presented options is also strange for the meeting's creator / organizer.
The wrong german translation is fixed with Revision 1269869/1269870 in trunk (4.8) and branch (4.7), thanks Gunter Ohrner for spotting this.
so, the issue is fixed now ?
Not really. The wrong translation is fixed, but that still does not explain the (from my point of view) swapped sender/receiver addresses in the confirmation mail, and it does not explain why the meeting's Chair should "Accept" or "Reject" a *confirmation* from a participant. Maybe I should have split the translation issue into a separate bug. :)
I have a similar problem - when I accept the incomming invitation (through IMAP), the response mail would be sent with FROM=invitation-creator@email and TO=all-invitees@email. From my point of view, this is completely twisted: 1. I want the meeting organizer to know, that I'm going to go to the meeting. 2. All other invitees do not need to bee informed about it. 3. I can not send the e-mail with FROM set to any email address except my own (a properly configured smtp server with authentication). Result: I'm not able to accept meeting invitations. In some cases, the event won't be recorded into my calendar, byt I expect this to be another problem.
I have noticed, that this bug is pretty old and the functionality has been broken with one of the last updates, no more than 6 months ago. Should I put the bug description elsewhere?
Git commit 5efe6da97ced262603b1b5b50798c5df76cc0f0d by Sergio Martins. Committed on 31/10/2013 at 21:48. Pushed by smartins into branch 'KDE/4.11'. Fix bug where we would send an e-mail with a forged From: This case happened when we were not the organizer and then modified the event. An e-mail would be sent with From: <organizer>, with *all* participants in CC. The correct is to not send anything, because the user was already warned via message boz that the event will become out of sync with the organizer's. Related: bug 318394 FIXED-IN: 4.11.3 M +4 -3 akonadi/calendar/incidencechanger.cpp M +11 -0 akonadi/calendar/tests/itiphandlertest.cpp