Bug 288340 - Kolab address book disappears
Summary: Kolab address book disappears
Alias: None
Product: kaddressbook
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 4.9
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2011-12-06 15:31 UTC by Fabian
Modified: 2017-01-07 22:20 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Fabian 2011-12-06 15:31:57 UTC
Version:           unspecified (using KDE 4.7.3) 
OS:                Linux

Since a few versions of kontact/kaddressbook (probably since akonadi integration) I've got the problem, that my kolab based address book disappears from time to time. I've created some folder for my addresses in kmail and marked its content as contacts. The folder is not located in its default position because my mail account do not allow me to create folders in the toplevel. Everything is located in an INBOX folder.
After setting up the folder everything works fine, but the folder is not visible in kmail anymore. This was possible in older versions.
But after some time, I don't not know any reason or circumstances, the addressbook is gone and the folder is still not visible in kmail. 
As workaround I've figured out, that I can use the akonadiconsole to delete the HIDDEN attribute of the folder and then set it up as contact folder in kmail again. This works but is really annoying.
Probably no one can give me a solution for this problem because of missing details. But perhaps someone can give me a hint where to look for further information.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
Add a kolab address book

Actual Results:  
Addressbook is not visible in kaddressbook and folder is not visible kmail

Expected Results:  
kaddressbook shows addressbook
Comment 1 Eugeny Shkrigunov 2012-02-12 13:54:15 UTC
seems the same problem
Comment 2 S. Bryant 2012-08-19 20:11:56 UTC
I've been having this problem sporadically since KDE 4.7.x.  Now, with 4.9.0, the Kolab address book is gone almost every time I log in, although the D-IMAP 'Contacts' folder is not made visible again.

I can unhide the folder by un- and re- subscribing (server side).  To get the calendar back I then have to re-setup the Kolab configuration (including restarting akonadi and kontact at least once each).

This is with RPMs from the OpenSuse 12.1 x86_64 repository.

Oddly enough, it used to be that my calendar disappeared at the same time.  Since 4.9.0 that's stayed right where it is!  Perhaps the solution to this problem can be copied from the calendar code.

Comment 3 Denis Kurz 2016-09-24 20:53:22 UTC
This bug has only been reported for versions before 4.14, which have been unsupported for at least two years now. Can anyone tell if this bug still present?

If noone confirms this bug for a Framework-based version of kaddressbook (version 5.0 or later, as part of KDE Applications 15.08 or later), it gets closed in about three months.
Comment 4 Denis Kurz 2017-01-07 22:20:00 UTC
Just as announced in my last comment, I close this bug. If you encounter it again in a recent version (at least 5.0 aka 15.08), please open a new one unless it already exists. Thank you for all your input.