Bug 286278 - Hide specific images in Albums
Summary: Hide specific images in Albums
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Albums-MainView (show other bugs)
Version: 2.1.1
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-11-10 16:26 UTC by flo.w.121at
Modified: 2021-12-29 14:04 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 7.5.0
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description flo.w.121at 2011-11-10 16:26:10 UTC
Version:           2.1.1 (using KDE 4.7.2) 
OS:                Linux

== Background ==

Each album might contain some pictures that should not be indexed as thumbnails or shown in the embedded preview or in the editor (eg. company confidential pictures of a business trip or nudie pictures of the ex-girlfriend)

However, they should be kept in same album as the other pictures.

== Requested feature ==

 * Tool to mark selected pictures as hidden
 * Hidden pictures should not be displayed (neither in timeline, slideshow, geo-search nor in any advanced search)
 * pictures hidden in digikam should also be hidden in the filesystem (a hidden folder would be sufficient, IMHO)
 * Something like a button could be displayed for each album to display potentially hidden images
 * This button could ideally be protected by a password
 * The tool should be able to remove the "hidden-status" of those pictures, so that they are treated as all the other pictures

The intention is to prevent pictures from being accidentally displayed and shown to "unauthorized" users e.g. in a slide show. There is no intention to have hidden images encrypted.

Reproducible: Didn't try

Steps to Reproduce:
feature request -> n/a

Actual Results:  
feature request -> n/a

Expected Results:  
feature request -> n/a

OS: Linux (x86_64) release 3.0.0-12-generic
Compiler: gcc
Comment 1 caulier.gilles 2011-11-12 13:35:37 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 217709 ***
Comment 2 caulier.gilles 2021-12-29 14:04:22 UTC
Fixed with #217709