Bug 283091 - on MeeGo: bangarang plays only sound not image, after touching pause/ and then play
Summary: on MeeGo: bangarang plays only sound not image, after touching pause/ and the...
Alias: None
Product: Active
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Applications (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: unscheduled
Assignee: active
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Reported: 2011-09-30 11:48 UTC by Fania Bremmer
Modified: 2011-10-20 17:35 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Fania Bremmer 2011-09-30 11:48:37 UTC
Version:           unspecified (using Devel) 
OS:                Linux

on MeeGo: bangarang plays only sound not image, after touching pause/ and then play

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
- open the demovideo in the introduction activity
- see the full video in bangarang
- touch the playbutton again after seeing the whole video
- hear only the sound, you dont see the video anymore -> just an icon is displayed

Actual Results:  
- the second time playing the video within bangarang:  just sound, no image

Expected Results:  
i can play it as many times as i want
Comment 1 Andrew Lake 2011-10-05 15:43:35 UTC
I tried to recreate this on a traditional (KDE) desktop with no luck.  Currently, the Bangarang-specific code paths should be the same for both.   I'll do a little more investigating and provide an update.
Comment 2 Andrew Lake 2011-10-09 21:10:38 UTC
This should now be fixed in bangarang master, commit 3e4d8feb.
Comment 3 Andrew Lake 2011-10-10 22:11:24 UTC
One minor suggestion for this bug report:

The subject description doesn't quite match the "Steps to Reproduce" section of the detailed description.  The subject description implies that when pausing video playback, the video will disappear and only sound can be heard when play resumes.  I could not reproduce this.

I was, however, able reproduce the problem described in under "Steps to Reproduce"  which is what was fixed in comment #2.

Hope this helps!
Comment 4 Javier Llorente 2011-10-20 17:35:43 UTC
Thanks Andrew! :)
Fixed in 2011-10-16-16-48-meego-plasma-active-testing-USB-live.iso