Version: 0.9.4 (using KDE 4.6.2) OS: Linux when using parley for practice on highres screens, fonts are to small for comfortable reading. especially when training languages with other symbols than latin alphabet (e.g. hebrew, greek) would be helpful to have the option to adjust this font size in the config panel. maybe the standard font size could also be raised a number, or two... Reproducible: Always Expected Results: fonts should be readable
Especially for languages like japanese. You can really dont read the signs anymore in that small font-size. I hope this will changed in one of the next versions
This "bug" is actually already fixed, the option is just hard to find. It also took me quiete a while to figure out how to adjust the folnt size: The font settings are not in the standard "Options" menu anymore, but instead in the "Language settings". There you can chose individual fonts and font sizes for each language of your current card deck.
It would be nice if the Language settings were available in practice mode, to change on the fly. Since it is during practice mode that the user discovers that the practice font size is too small, that is when they will look for the option to change it (but currently the option won't be there until they exit the practice and go to the editing mode).
Agreed, this is a good suggestion. I also had great difficulties finding where to find the font settings.