Version: unspecified (using Devel) OS: Linux When closing Marble, it looses data that is being recorded. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Close Marble gracefully or terminate it while recording a track. Actual Results: Marble looses all tracking data. Expected Results: Marble should never loose tracking data. It should keep the tracking data even if it was closed forcefully (caused by internal or external errros).
Mappero behaves the way requested above.
Git commit 35aa9a6cb9097380d282a48ee4679cb65bdd1735 by Thibaut Gridel. Committed on 28/07/2012 at 17:43. Pushed by tgridel into branch 'master'. PositionTracking: store current track to file, and reload on next launch User will not lose his data as it is saved on closing the application and reopened at startup. Applications which want to benefit this need to call: marbleModel()->positionTracking()->readSettings() and writeSettings() M +3 -1 src/QtMainWindow.cpp M +0 -3 src/lib/CurrentLocationWidget.ui M +89 -3 src/lib/PositionTracking.cpp M +4 -0 src/lib/PositionTracking.h