Version: unspecified OS: Linux this is not a bug, but a wish. it would be absolutely awesome, if owncloud would implement an (optional) server-side encryption, using the already existing blowfish or gpg. i trust my own server only as long as it isn't compromised. :) Reproducible: Didn't try Steps to Reproduce: none Expected Results: server-side encryption.
I suggest to particularize the way of encryption is requested. I think it is not very useful to encrypt all the data, stored in onwcloud. This function can be easily delegated to operating system, using LUKS, for example. But it would be very useful to encrypt every user's files independently. Some way, that other user (and server admin too) could not decrypt the data. For example, the encryption key can be generated on the base of user password.
This is very high on our task list and as you see Frank already started working on integrating Blowfish. If you have thoughts or tips on that, join our mailing list:
Can't wait to see what becomes of this. As a cleanup measure, I'm changing it to a wish instead of a bug, though :-)
here are some links to existing documents re this topic:
re #1: i agree, don't encrypt every little bit of owncloud, just the user files (and their metadata). i reckon, but correct me if i'm wrong, that LUKS wouldn't be helpful for encrypting user files, though. as soon as the device (can that even be a file? thinking loop device here or whatever Ubuntu does to encrypt home directories) is mounted (login), they are accessible by other processes until unmounted (logout) i wouldn't like a malicious admin to copy my data once i have logged in.
Created attachment 63014 [details] padding support for file encryption as agreed upon in the chat, i added padding support for the file encryption, but it's not working properly. a few bytes in the output are missing for each block - which is worse then not using padding where only the last newline seems to go missing. the first bugfix in the diff took me 90 minutes to find - a decrypt routine should decrypt, not encrypt, eh? :) i'm running out of time and hence i'm attaching the code so it might be of some use to someone.
Created attachment 63255 [details] patch to add padding to encryption lib ok, i have found the bug in the padding algorithm. good to go now.
owncould doesn't use as its bug trakcer since about two years ago. If the issue in this report still exist or apply to the recent owncloud release (5.0.11), please re-report the issue to its new bug tracker as documented in .