Bug 277464 - Search in khelpcenter is working with small patch
Summary: Search in khelpcenter is working with small patch
Alias: None
Product: khelpcenter
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Gentoo Packages Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Documentation Editorial Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-07-10 10:50 UTC by Eugeny Shkrigunov
Modified: 2016-03-12 23:24 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

patch to fix some khc_*.pl and unhide "Search" tab (2.60 KB, patch)
2011-07-10 10:50 UTC, Eugeny Shkrigunov

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Eugeny Shkrigunov 2011-07-10 10:50:05 UTC
Created attachment 61751 [details]
patch to fix some khc_*.pl and unhide "Search" tab

Version:           unspecified
OS:                Linux

Sorry for my English.

In recent versions of KDE help search not available (tab "Search" is hidden).
Search in khelpcenter is working, if you make small changes to some scripts khc_*.pl.
Propose: until a global solution to the problem of searching for help to use the attached patch.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Launch khelpcenter: there is no "Search" tab

Expected Results:  
Launch khelpcenter -> Search -> build index -> enjoy
Comment 1 Burkhard Lück 2011-07-15 10:51:35 UTC
@ Eugeny:
I aggree with you that the search functionality in khelpcenter should be made available again.

But why use an external application like htdig for that, if nepomuk/strigi is nicely integrated into kde?
Please have a look how searching via nepomuk/strigi is done in Dolphin (kdebase/kde-baseapps/dolphin/src/search) that seems to be a much cleaner approach to me.

Thanks for your report
Comment 2 Eugeny Shkrigunov 2011-07-16 05:39:43 UTC
Replacement htdig undoubtedly necessary. 
Search in Dolphin has several drawbacks for search help files (in the case of an average user):
  the user must know that it must use the Dolphin to search help system
  the user must know which directory to search 
  the user must know how to add a directory to the index builder (strigi)
  the user must know how to interpret the results, ie match the name of a subdirectory and found the application 
  the user must know in what types of files stored the information it needs (to select a file with useful information instead of, for example, *. css) 

IMHO: the search for help system should be integrated into the Help Viewer
Comment 3 Burkhard Lück 2011-07-16 07:55:52 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Replacement htdig undoubtedly necessary. 
> IMHO: the search for help system should be integrated into the Help Viewer

That is exactly what I wanted to express with my hint to the dolphin search, sorry if I was not clear enough about that.

I pointed to the dolphin search as an example how to integrate nepomuk/strigi search into an application.

In khelcenter it should ideally work like this:
Type keyword into search bar -> search via nepomuk/strigi starts from the selected language and english documentation top dir (like in dolphin with "Start from Here"), then only matching documentation is displayed in the navigation tree of khelpcenter. 
Similar to the search in systemsettings.

Using the actions Find Next/Previous should jump then in main window to all occurrencies of the search term in handbooks.
Comment 4 Pino Toscano 2016-03-12 23:24:42 UTC
Git commit 163133768d77ae16e36b31d1174d6c60d53cfdce by Pino Toscano.
Committed on 12/03/2016 at 23:01.
Pushed by pino into branch 'master'.

Remove the ht://dig support

ht://dig is basically unmantained for the past decade, and its
integration in khelpcenter has always been a sort of hack (execute
a CGI, and print its resulting HTML text).

Since Xapian is used as better solution, all of the htp://dig
supporting code can be removed completely.
Related: bug 122437, bug 125276, bug 152671, bug 158633, bug 209415, bug 244091, bug 255384, bug 256397, bug 103266, bug 112958

M  +0    -2    CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -14   README.htdig
M  +0    -14   doc/khelpcenter/index.docbook
M  +0    -9    docmetainfo.cpp
M  +0    -3    docmetainfo.h
D  +0    -61   htmlsearch.cpp
D  +0    -51   htmlsearch.h
D  +0    -47   htmlsearch/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -5    htmlsearch/Messages.sh
D  +0    -23   htmlsearch/checked.xpm
D  +0    -470  htmlsearch/htmlsearch.cpp
D  +0    -254  htmlsearch/htmlsearch.desktop
D  +0    -62   htmlsearch/htmlsearch.h
D  +0    -25   htmlsearch/index.cpp
D  +0    -371  htmlsearch/kcmhtmlsearch.cpp
D  +0    -84   htmlsearch/kcmhtmlsearch.h
D  +0    -52   htmlsearch/klangcombo.cpp
D  +0    -47   htmlsearch/klangcombo.h
D  +0    -246  htmlsearch/ktagcombobox.cpp
D  +0    -92   htmlsearch/ktagcombobox.h
D  +0    -6    htmlsearch/long.html
D  +0    -4    htmlsearch/meinproc_wrapper
D  +0    -21   htmlsearch/nomatch.html
D  +0    -89   htmlsearch/progressdialog.cpp
D  +0    -32   htmlsearch/progressdialog.h
D  +0    -1    htmlsearch/short.html
D  +-    --    htmlsearch/star.png
D  +-    --    htmlsearch/star_blank.png
D  +0    -19   htmlsearch/syntax.html
D  +0    -22   htmlsearch/unchecked.xpm
D  +0    -16   htmlsearch/wrapper.html
D  +0    -156  htmlsearchconfig.cpp
D  +0    -58   htmlsearchconfig.h
M  +0    -1    kcmhelpcenter.cpp
M  +0    -2    kcmhelpcenter.h
M  +2    -14   searchhandlers/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -8    searchhandlers/docbook.desktop.cmake
D  +0    -8    searchhandlers/htdig.desktop.cmake
D  +0    -2    searchhandlers/htdig_long.html
D  +0    -222  searchhandlers/khc_docbookdig.pl.cmake
D  +0    -148  searchhandlers/khc_htdig.pl.cmake
D  +0    -117  searchhandlers/khc_htsearch.pl
M  +1    -2    tests/CMakeLists.txt
