Version: unspecified OS: Linux It seems that PDF versions of KDE docs on are not always as good as can be. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Look at the KOrganizer PDF: (The same issues can be found in other docs (kdegames/killbots, etc.).) Actual Results: Page 11 line 3: [?varlistentry] instead of xref Page 11 item 2.4.3: inappropriate size of the image. Expected Results: Correct link to the section. Embedded image of the appropriate size.
* Page 11 line 3: [?varlistentry] instead of xref docbook source has a cooment here, removing that seems to solve the issue, " ?varlistentry" is gone: <step><para>Select the <xref linkend="menu-actions-new-todo"/> <!--menuchoice><guimenu>Actions</guimenu> <guimenuitem>New To-do...</guimenuitem></menuchoice--> menu item to open the <guilabel>New To-do</guilabel> dialog.</para></step>
I found some infos about this Problem here:
So what is the best solution? 1. Batch convert all images in KDE repository to 72 ppi (what about localized ones? Hard task anyway with git-split repository...). 2. Add width attribute (did not work for me when I've tried to use it for Amarok in pre-1.76 days). 3. Modify graphics.xsl to add <xsl:param name="ignore.image.scaling" select="1"/>.
Oops, seems better to convert to 96 ppi (it gives the best results, tested).
Links were fixed. Some images still need some batch processing.