Although having both "Fonts" and "Default Fill Properties" tabs, the Kst Settings dialog box lacks the corresponding "Default Stroke" tab, which makes the prospect bug 274321 being fixed somewhat less awesome than I would like. PS. If I might indulge my copy editing neuroses for a moment: in the settigns dialog box, for consistency, shouldn't "Fonts" be called "Default Font Properties" or else "Default Fill Properties" just be called "Fill"?
Same bug, fundamentally, as 274321.
SVN commit 1237013 by netterfield: CCBUG: 274323 CCBUG: 274321 All view objects for which fill and stroke mean anything can now save their default fill and stroke. View objects for which these things don't make sense (eg, fill for lines) no longer have the tab in their dialogs. M +2 -0 arrowitem.cpp M +6 -0 arrowitem.h M +2 -0 boxitem.cpp M +6 -0 boxitem.h M +1 -0 cartesianrenderitem.h M +2 -0 circleitem.cpp M +6 -0 circleitem.h M +2 -0 ellipseitem.cpp M +6 -0 ellipseitem.h M +6 -6 labelitem.cpp M +6 -0 labelitem.h M +2 -0 layoutboxitem.h M +22 -50 legenditem.cpp M +6 -0 legenditem.h M +1 -0 lineitem.cpp M +6 -0 lineitem.h M +6 -0 pictureitem.h M +79 -139 plotitem.cpp M +6 -0 plotitem.h M +1 -0 sharedaxisboxitem.h M +6 -0 svgitem.h M +78 -0 viewitem.cpp M +12 -0 viewitem.h M +33 -5 viewitemdialog.cpp WebSVN link:
Fixed by Barth in commit 1238324. For some reason the post-commit hook did not work...