Version: 1.9.0 (using KDE 4.5.5) OS: Linux If you have photo or movie uploaded with another tool or you recreate the digikam db when you change from mandriva 2008 to mandriva 2010.2 then you can't update photos or movies because they are not marked as uploaded. add a function to automaticaly (by scanning picasa album ?) or manualy to mark photos and movies as uploaded. add a little sign in the thumbnail or beside, indicating "the photo is uploaded" Reproducible: Didn't try OS: Linux (i686) release Compiler: gcc
Philippe, This file still valid using kipi-plugins 2.4 ? Gilles Caulier
digikam 2.5 still valid
opensuse 13.1 , kde 4.12 , digikam 3.5 still valid
Philipe, This file still valid using new GDriveExport tool instead PicasaWebExport tool ? Gilles Caulier