class Foo{}; class Bar{}; class Quux { friend <I get no completion here> I'd expect it to show 'Foo' and 'Bar' as completion options. Such completion options should add the 'class' token if needed, but should also work if 'class' is already written (friend class <Ctrl-Space>).
Git commit 834d2551617e482d31fc2b5eb741ef64ca67af51 by Olivier JG. Committed on 09/06/2011 at 06:00. Pushed by olivierjg into branch 'master'. Get proper completion for "friend" and "friend class", add tests BUG: 271079 M +8 -4 languages/cpp/codecompletion/context.cpp M +1 -1 languages/cpp/codecompletion/context.h M +17 -0 languages/cpp/tests/test_cppcodecompletion.cpp M +1 -0 languages/cpp/tests/test_cppcodecompletion.h