Bug 270678 - After upgrading from kst-1.7 to 2.0, the indirect 'helper' data source is not functioning.
Summary: After upgrading from kst-1.7 to 2.0, the indirect 'helper' data source is not...
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.0.3
Platform: Unlisted Binaries Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
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Reported: 2011-04-11 12:37 UTC by Samuel
Modified: 2011-04-11 16:32 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Samuel 2011-04-11 12:37:39 UTC
Version:           2.0.3 (using KDE 4.5.1) 
OS:                Linux

Before upgrading to KST2 it was possible to use a .cur file as the data source in the data wizard. The .cur file contained the address of the dirfile in ascii format and the old KST1 would somehow recognise and link to that directory.

The data wizard in KST2 now reads the .cur file simply as an ascii file containing one column of data. 

Has this feature been removed in KST2?

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Make an ascii file containing an address that indirectly links to a dirfile and attempt to read it as a datasource.

Actual Results:  
KST2 reads the ascii file as if it were the actual data source.

Expected Results:  
KST2 ought to have read the address in the .cur file and linked to the data source contained therein.

OS: Linux
Kubuntu 10.10
KDE 4.5.1
Comment 1 Netterfield 2011-04-11 14:28:11 UTC
This capability is redundant with logical links.  Instead of creating a .cur file,create a logical link to the data source.  For example, for BLASTpol10, the data logging program creates a link from /data/rawdir/<dirfilename> to /data/etc/defile.lnk.  ie, the equivalent of 

ln -s /data/rawdir/<dirfilename> /data/etc/defile.lnk

We then simply open /data/etc/defile.lnk, as we used to open /data/etc/defile.cur.  BLASTpol10 used this exclusively, for the 2010 campaign, and it worked very well.  Consequently, we do not plan to implement .cur file redirection.
Comment 2 Samuel 2011-04-11 16:32:21 UTC
Awesome :)

Clearly there is no need for a .cur file implementation when symbolic links do the job so nicely.

Many thanks