Version: 1.4.0 (using KDE 4.5.1) OS: Linux The import wizard should have an option to use the UNIX timestamp as pattern for the file renaming options. An accuracy in milliseconds would be perfect Reproducible: Didn't try Steps to Reproduce: No steps to reproduce - feature request Actual Results: There is no "timestamp" option under file renaming options Expected Results: Option to use "timestamp" for file renaming as a pattern for the new filename OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.35-28-generic Compiler: cc
If i not too wrong, Andy has fixed some feature with last 1.9.0 release. Please take a look in this version... Gilles Caulier
Yes, this was fixed in 1.6 or so...
Oops wrong bugreport :-) A timestamp option should be in 1.4, too. The custom format string (see isn't enough? What should be added exactly to fit your needs?
Do you want a unix timestamp like this: 1302425061 If so, this could be added quite easily for the next version.
Git commit f0efd89ce713605743d3837b966bedec63017561 by Andi Clemens. Committed on 10/04/2011 at 12:31. Pushed by aclemens into branch 'master'. Add UnixTimeStamp format to the date renaming option CCBUG: 270554 M +65 -18 utilities/advancedrename/parser/options/dateoption.cpp M +5 -3 utilities/advancedrename/parser/options/dateoption.h
The method QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch is only available for Qt 4.7 and higher. We need to remove the code from sources compiles for older Qt versions. M +12 -0 utilities/advancedrename/parser/options/dateoption.cpp M +2 -0 utilities/advancedrename/parser/options/dateoption.h