If you read bike trekking forums or if you practice bike trekking a few person ask for "shortest track" many persons ask for - "safest track" <=> a short track composed with a maximum of cycleways, dirt track etc. - "bike suited track" <=> a short track composed with low traffic ways and possibly cycle ways, dirt tracks etc. i understand in "offline mode" there is no use of openrouteservice backend and monav knows only "shortest track" please add in offline "safest track" and "bike suited track" addon : i don't understand why ORS backend is not used in "offline" mode. it would be a good thing to use ORS backend because there is "safest track" and "bike suited track" profile
> addon : i don't understand why ORS backend is not used in "offline" mode. it would be a good thing to use ORS backend because there is "safest track" and "bike suited track" profile Setting Marble to offline mode tells it not to do any network queries. The OpenRouteService backend works over http, so the offline mode forbids it to work. > please add in offline "safest track" and "bike suited track" Let me add some background on the offline routing backends to answer this. Monav uses a very fast routing algorithm called contraction hierarchies. It allows to calculate even very long (>1000 km) routes very fast. Its drawback is that the preferences (car fastest, bike, pedestrian etc.) are stored in the map at preprocessing time. It's not easy to change that because the structure of the map changes because of the preferences. One way to allow different preferences would be to ship different maps for each preference, so you'd have a map of France for motorcar, one for bike, one for pedestrian routing. That won't work too well in practice because we'd need much more storage space for the maps on the server (currently I host them on my server, it's > 10 GB for motorcar maps and my server is full). Additionally you'd have to download much more maps that'd fill up the device. In summary I doubt this is a good way to go forward. Routino is another offline routing backend. Its strength is the flexibility to define custom routing profiles where you set your preferences. The maps are not influenced by the preferences, you can change everything easily at runtime. But it only works for short routes on the N900 (see http://nienhueser.de/blog/?p=147). Thibaut Gridel (another Marble developer) has already created packages for it for the N900, see http://maemo.org/packages/view/routino/ I think that routino can be configured to calculate the routes you're looking for, except maybe for 'low traffic' (depends on how you define it). See http://www.routino.org/documentation/configuration.html Currently I do not install the routino backend in the N900 packages, but that's easily changed. The big thing that is missing, however, are routino maps to download. Either users have to create the maps by themselves -- I don't think that works in practice -- or we need another server to host them, and someone to create them for suitable areas (much smaller than country level possibly), as well as code to integrate it in Marble similar to the Monav integration (download and install maps from within Marble). Lastly there's gosmore, which is a bit faster than routino on the N900, but less flexible. It can be seen as the offline version of http://www.yournavigation.org/ . I don't think it provides the route profiles you're looking for though.
thank you very much for these good background knowledge. 1. what meaning for "safest track", "bike suited track" - ORS "safest track" is a good meaning approximation of "safest track" - ORS "preferred cycleway/route""bike suited track" is a good approximation of "bike suited track" - Michelin "bike" profile is also an approximation of "bike suited track" perhaps not quite as good i don't know in detail what these profiles are. 2. Making map 2.1. do you know the symbian We-Travel project ? http://we-travel.biz/ it is an offline map routing service and a tourist map service this project supplies tools to users to make We-travel maps i experimented making maps with my AMD X2 64 5000 +, 2 Gb memory. it is a matter of less 10 h, 10 h to 20 h to make some France region maps thus user can make maps for himself and can help project by uploading maps to a map source. 2.2 Osmarender project there is a tool "tile@home" a distributed tile computing http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tiles@home with this 2 cases user making maps is a good hypothesis. 3. anyway with "shortest track" now when bike trekking we don't waist time to cross town. it's a good improvement. thanks