Bug 267319 - phonon-gstreamer does not proclaim the video/mp4 and audio/mp4 mimetypes [was amarok refuses to play an .mp4 file]
Summary: phonon-gstreamer does not proclaim the video/mp4 and audio/mp4 mimetypes [was...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 290168
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: Playback (show other bugs)
Version: 2.4-GIT
Platform: Mandriva RPMs Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Amarok Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-02-28 16:41 UTC by Shlomi Fish
Modified: 2012-05-18 10:05 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

The Debug output (compressed with xz) (15.92 KB, application/octet-stream)
2011-03-20 09:28 UTC, Shlomi Fish
The dump of the gstreamer commands. (283.18 KB, application/octet-stream)
2011-03-23 20:05 UTC, Shlomi Fish
Patch for gstreamer to fix the problem. (1.62 KB, patch)
2011-07-11 23:16 UTC, Shlomi Fish
Tentative patch that fixes the problem. (1.29 KB, patch)
2012-01-12 23:10 UTC, Shlomi Fish

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Shlomi Fish 2011-02-28 16:41:52 UTC
Version:           2.4.0 (using KDE 4.6.0) 
OS:                Linux

All .mp4 files that I tried are refused to be played in Amarok, but VLC, mplayer, gst123 etc. play them fine. For example:


(Downloaded using youtube-dl from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn6-c223DUU ).

Amarok plays all other file types here fine (.mp3. .mod/.s3m/.xm/.it, .ogg, .flv, .avi). Note that I only want to play the audio out of the video, not the video itself.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. wget the file in question.
2. Run konqueror or dolphin.
3. Drag and drop it to Amarok.

Actual Results:  
Nothing happens - the file is not enqueued or played.

Expected Results:  
The file should be played.

I'm on Mandriva Linux Cooker using the gstreamer engine on an P4-2.4GHz machine.
Comment 1 Sergey Ivanov 2011-03-14 10:17:03 UTC
Everything Ok with VLC and xine backends.
Comment 2 Myriam Schweingruber 2011-03-19 10:56:13 UTC
Comment 3 Harald Sitter 2011-03-19 14:55:35 UTC
Does this also happen with 4.4.4?
Comment 4 Shlomi Fish 2011-03-19 19:15:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Does this also happen with 4.4.4?

shlomif[homepage]:$trunk$ rpm -qa '*phonon*'

Still happens there.
Comment 5 Harald Sitter 2011-03-19 19:28:30 UTC
Ok. Please get us some debug logs http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Phonon
Comment 6 Shlomi Fish 2011-03-20 09:28:59 UTC
Created attachment 58184 [details]
The Debug output (compressed with xz)

This is the debug output after sourcing these commands:

Comment 7 Myriam Schweingruber 2011-03-20 11:46:35 UTC
There are several problems:

You don't seem to run PulseAudio which is default on Mandriva IIRC:

" "PulseSupport(2): Probing for PulseAudio..." 
"PulseSupport(2): context_state_callback Failed" 
"PulseSupport(2): PulseAudio probe complete." 
"PulseSupport(2): PulseAudio support is not available." 
"PulseSupport(2): Enabled Breakdown: mEnabled: Yes, s_pulseActive No" 

Then you seem to have a not-running database, as the following message indicates:

"[07;31m[ERROR__][00;39m [MySqlStorage] Tried to perform query on uninitialized MySQL "

I am surprised you can actually find tracks in your collection.
Comment 8 Shlomi Fish 2011-03-23 14:45:44 UTC
Hi Myriam,

(In reply to comment #7)
> There are several problems:
> You don't seem to run PulseAudio which is default on Mandriva IIRC:
> " "PulseSupport(2): Probing for PulseAudio..." 
> "PulseSupport(2): context_state_callback Failed" 
> "PulseSupport(2): PulseAudio probe complete." 
> "PulseSupport(2): PulseAudio support is not available." 
> "PulseSupport(2): Enabled Breakdown: mEnabled: Yes, s_pulseActive No" 

You're right - I'm not using PulseAudio. It may be the default in Mandriva, but I neither need it nor like it, and the sound system works perfectly fine with ALSA (which also gives multiplexed sound). All the other files I tried playing in Amarok - .wav, .mp3, .ogg, .flv, .avi, .mod, .xm, .it - are working fine.

> Then you seem to have a not-running database, as the following message
> indicates:
> "[07;31m[ERROR__][00;39m [MySqlStorage] Tried to perform query on
> uninitialized MySQL "
> I am surprised you can actually find tracks in your collection.

I'm not using the collection to enqueue files - it is currently non-operational due to a MySQL/Amarok breakage in Mandriva Cooker. What I do is drag and drop files from konqueror, nautilus or the built-in Amarok file browser (which I don't like too much because it doesn't have konqueror's tree mode), to the playlist, or I can try using the Open -> "Play Media…" dialog. All of those work for .mp3/.ogg/.flv/.avi/.mod/.xm but none of them work for files that have an ".mp4" extension.

So all of this is beside the point that .mp4 files are not recognised in Amarok and cannot be enqueued in the play list.
Comment 9 Torrie Fischer 2011-03-23 19:34:30 UTC
It'd be helpful if we could have a bit more information about your gstreamer install. Could you run the following commands and attach the results:

$ gst-launch playbin2 uri=file:///path/to/file.mp4
$ gst-inspect -a

For the gst-launch command, you need the absolute path to the file, prefixed with 'file://'. i.e. the file /usr/share/sounds/KDE-System-Log-In.ogg would be file:///usr/share/sounds/KE-System-Log-In.ogg

If the first command does not play the file, you might not have the right plugins installed. The second command will give us detailed information on all the installed plugins.
Comment 10 Shlomi Fish 2011-03-23 20:05:23 UTC
Created attachment 58295 [details]
The dump of the gstreamer commands.

This is the xz compressed dump of the gstreamer commands. I ran them like  this:

$ gst-launch-0.10 playbin2 uri=file:///home/shlomif/Music/mp3s/B.o.B\ -\ Airplanes\ \(Feat.\ Hayley\ Williams\ of\ Paramore\)-kn6-c223DUU.mp4 >> gst-dump.txt 2>&1 
$ # I hit Ctrl+C in the middle - the file finished playing successfully.
$ gst-inspect-0.10 -a >> gst-dump.txt 2>&1
Comment 11 Shlomi Fish 2011-04-17 13:39:13 UTC

Any news? There have already been three weeks since I wrote my last comment, and I did not get any help. The problem still persists.


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 12 Shlomi Fish 2011-04-18 10:16:37 UTC
Hi all,

I did not know what I did, but now it works fine. My backend is still gstreamer, and now the collection scanning worked after MySQL was fixed. Mandriva is on latest Cooker.
Comment 13 Myriam Schweingruber 2011-04-27 21:19:33 UTC
reassigning to the new bugzilla product for better bug tracing of the various backends. Sorry for the noise.
Comment 14 Myriam Schweingruber 2011-04-29 00:02:56 UTC
Hm, I didn't see your last comment, sorry. I close this as WORKSFORME now, feel free to reopen it if you can still reproduce it with Phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.5 or later
Comment 15 Shlomi Fish 2011-05-27 04:15:45 UTC
OK, now I'm having problems playing .mp4 files with Amarok again on Mandriva Linux Cooker: (P4-2.4GHz - x86-32):

shlomif:~$ rpm -qa '*phonon*'
Comment 16 Torrie Fischer 2011-06-01 20:36:13 UTC
This is not a problem with Phonon, GStreamer, or Phonon-GStreamer. Install your missing plugins, namely gstreamer-plugins-ugly and gstreamer-plugins-bad. I tested the linked file and it works flawlessly, even prompting for installation of the missing plugin.
Comment 17 Shlomi Fish 2011-06-01 21:41:52 UTC
(In reply to comment #16)
> This is not a problem with Phonon, GStreamer, or Phonon-GStreamer. Install your
> missing plugins, namely gstreamer-plugins-ugly and gstreamer-plugins-bad. 


[root@telaviv1 ~]# urpmi  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Packages gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-0.10.22-4plf-plf2011.0.i586, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-0.10.18-1plf-plf2011.0.i586 are already installed


> I tested the linked file and it works flawlessly, even prompting for
> installation of the missing plugin.

That file works fine using gst123 and by invoking it on "dragon" from the command line. But Amarok still refuses to play it here. Just tested it right now - neither "amarok -a" nor dragging and dropping from konqueror to the play list work. An .flv and an .mp3 are working fine.

So I'm assigning this as an Amarok bug because I'm not freakin' imagining it.


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 18 Shlomi Fish 2011-07-11 23:14:49 UTC
The problem is that Konqueror reports this as the video/mp4 mime type and it's not in phonon-gstreamer's list of valid mime types. I will attach a patch against the phonon-gstreamer master HEAD, in order to fix it soon. I also have this workaround for Amarok:

diff --git a/src/EngineController.cpp b/src/EngineController.cpp
index 5502d3f..1d37b86 100644
--- a/src/EngineController.cpp
+++ b/src/EngineController.cpp
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ EngineController::supportedMimeTypes()
     // Add whitelist hacks
     mimeTable << "audio/x-m4b"; // MP4 Audio Books have a different extension that KFileItem/Phonon don't grok
+    mimeTable << "video/mp4"; // For the .mp4 Konqueror mimetype. -- Added by Shlomi Fish
     if( mimeTable.contains( "audio/x-flac" ) )
         mimeTable << "audio/flac";
Comment 19 Shlomi Fish 2011-07-11 23:16:07 UTC
Created attachment 61788 [details]
Patch for gstreamer to fix the problem.

This is a patch against the gstreamer to correct the problem. It adds video/mp4 in case video/mpeg is added and audio/mp4 in case audio/mpeg is added.
Comment 20 Shlomi Fish 2011-07-23 20:53:29 UTC
Hi all,

I provided a patch for this bug nearly two weeks ago, and didn't hear from you back. Why didn't I get a reply? The patch should be applied.


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 21 Myriam Schweingruber 2011-07-24 08:30:27 UTC
Because people are busy with other things, mainly life?
Comment 22 Shlomi Fish 2011-07-24 08:56:45 UTC
(In reply to comment #21)
> Because people are busy with other things, mainly life?

I’ll answer that by quoting The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond:

Some European users bugged me into adding an option to limit the number of messages retrieved per session (so they can control costs from their expensive phone networks). I resisted this for a long time, and I'm still not entirely happy about it. ***But if you're writing for the world, you have to listen to your customers—this doesn't change just because they're not paying you in money.***

— http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/ar01s08.html

And in my case, not only have I reported a bug (which is graver in importance than a feature request), but I've actually provided a patch to fix the problem.
Comment 23 Harald Sitter 2011-07-24 18:07:16 UTC
I rly dont get the point of that comment *shrug*
Comment 24 Torrie Fischer 2011-07-25 03:47:12 UTC
(In reply to comment #20)
This is an upstream bug. It makes more sense for upstream to fix it than to fit an ugly kludge in. We really appreciate the patch, but it won't be applied because it isn't the proper fix according to how the experts (i.e. pgst and gst devs) see it.

> Hi all,
> I provided a patch for this bug nearly two weeks ago, and didn't hear from you
> back. Why didn't I get a reply? The patch should be applied.
> Regards,
> -- Shlomi Fish
Comment 25 Shlomi Fish 2011-07-25 15:36:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #24)
> (In reply to comment #20)
> This is an upstream bug. It makes more sense for upstream to fix it than to fit
> an ugly kludge in. We really appreciate the patch, but it won't be applied
> because it isn't the proper fix according to how the experts (i.e. pgst and gst
> devs) see it.

Well, the reasons I patched phonon-gstreamer and not gstreamer itself, was this IRC conversation (I am "rindolf"):


Jul 12 00:47:27 <rindolf>	Hi all.
Jul 12 00:47:39 <rindolf>	How can I get a list of all of gstreamer's supported mime types?
Jul 12 00:48:17 <MikeS___>	rindolf: supported for what purpose(s)?
Jul 12 00:48:59 <rindolf>	MikeS___: I'm trying to see if gstreamer reports that it can play the "video/mp4" mime type.
Jul 12 00:50:38 <MikeS___>	rindolf: You might want to iterate over all element factories and look for those of type "Demuxer" or "Decoder" (as substrings), and then get the supported caps types (not mime types, though they're often similar!) for the srcpads on those.
Jul 12 00:51:04 <MikeS___>	rindolf: if you want actual mime-types, you'll then need to write your own function to map caps types to mime types; gstreamer generally doesn't deal with mime types at all
Jul 12 00:52:40 <rindolf>	MikeS___: ah.
Jul 12 00:53:05 <rindolf>	MikeS___: well, the problem is that phonon-gstreamer does not report that it supports video/mp4 .
Jul 12 00:57:11 <MikeS___>	rindolf: ok; I'm pretty sure I don't personally care in the slightest about phonon
Jul 12 01:20:45 <rindolf>	MikeS___: OK, apparently this program does not include video/mp4 and audio/mp4 in its output - http://paste.debian.net/122608/ .
Jul 12 01:22:04 <MikeS___>	rindolf: that's to be expected. Like I said, gstreamer doesn't deal with mime types. If you want mime types you'll need to map gstreamer caps types to them; there is often but not always a straightforward relationship
Jul 12 01:22:21 <MikeS___>	(it turns out that mime types are terrible for container-type formats, as most media files use...)


Should you educate "MikeS___" about it? Also, where is the upstream bug? Should I report one myself? Do you want a patch?


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 26 Shlomi Fish 2011-07-25 16:15:39 UTC
The plot thickens:


Jul 25 18:37:22 -->	You are now talking on #gstreamer
Jul 25 18:37:22 ---	Topic for #gstreamer is gst-ffmpeg 0.10.12 release is out | Current: Core 0.10.35, Base 0.10.35, Good 0.10.30, Ugly 0.10.18, Bad 0.10.22, FFmpeg 0.10.12, GNonLin 0.10.17, Python 0.10.21, GES 0.10.1, OpenGL 0.10.2, Qt-GStreamer 0.10.1/ | http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki | http://build.gstreamer.net:8010 | 0.11 branch open, see http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/ZeroPointEleven for who's porting pl
Jul 25 18:37:22 ---	Topic for #gstreamer set by bilboed!~bilboed@ at Wed Jul 20 13:42:11 2011
Jul 25 18:37:22 ---	#gstreamer :http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org
Jul 25 18:37:23 <rindolf>	Hi all
Jul 25 18:37:45 <rindolf>	https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267319 - what should be done about that? Is Trever Fischer here?
Jul 25 18:39:21 <rindolf>	«phonon-gstreamer does not proclaim the video/mp4 and audio/mp4 mimetypes [was amarok refuses to play an .mp4 file]»
Jul 25 18:43:03 <wtay_>	rindolf, you should add the mime-type to phonon
Jul 25 18:43:18 <wtay_>	gstreamer knows nothing about mime-types
Jul 25 18:43:45 <__tim>	kkb110, things like that belong into bugzilla really, not the wiki
Jul 25 18:44:19 <kkb110_>	__tim, yeah I just saw your comment on the wiki, I'm posting it to bugzilla now
Jul 25 18:44:20 <rindolf>	wtay_: that's what I did, but see my URL.
Jul 25 18:44:26 <__tim>	ok
Jul 25 18:44:26 <rindolf>	wtay_: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267319
Jul 25 18:45:03 <wtay_>	rindolf, I did,what does it say that you think is relevant?
Jul 25 18:45:58 <rindolf>	wtay_: well, I wrote a patch for gstreamer-phonon to add video/mp4 and audio/mp4 where appropriate and Trevor Fischer said it should be fixed in gst itself.
Jul 25 18:46:24 <wtay_>	rindolf, he's wrong, your patch is right
Jul 25 18:46:49 <MikeS>	rindolf: trevor fischer must be confused then. GStreamer doesn't use mime-types in its API anywhere; if phonon wants to use mimetypes then _it_ needs to add them
Jul 25 18:46:51 <rindolf>	wtay_: OK.
Jul 25 18:47:27 <rindolf>	MikeS: OK.
Jul 25 18:48:45 <leio>	I think the comment could be better though ;)
Jul 25 18:48:59 <rindolf>	leio: which one?
Jul 25 18:49:41 <leio>	about gstreamer not handling MIME types properly, when it doesn't actually have mime types
Jul 25 18:50:06 <leio>	also, I don't think all video/mpeg would map to mp4
Jul 25 18:51:25 <__tim>	no video/mpeg map to mp4 (the container format)
Jul 25 18:52:13 <leio>	More like video/quicktime I think?


I'm reopening this bug to solicit comments.
Comment 27 Shlomi Fish 2011-08-08 16:32:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #26)
> The plot thickens:
> Jul 25 18:37:22 -->    You are now talking on #gstreamer
> Jul 25 18:37:22 ---    Topic for #gstreamer is gst-ffmpeg 0.10.12 release is
> out | Current: Core 0.10.35, Base 0.10.35, Good 0.10.30, Ugly 0.10.18, Bad
> 0.10.22, FFmpeg 0.10.12, GNonLin 0.10.17, Python 0.10.21, GES 0.10.1, OpenGL
> 0.10.2, Qt-GStreamer 0.10.1/ | http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki |
> http://build.gstreamer.net:8010 | 0.11 branch open, see
> http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/ZeroPointEleven for who's porting pl
> Jul 25 18:37:22 ---    Topic for #gstreamer set by
> bilboed!~bilboed@ at Wed Jul 20 13:42:11 2011
> Jul 25 18:37:22 ---    #gstreamer :http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org
> Jul 25 18:37:23 <rindolf>    Hi all
> Jul 25 18:37:45 <rindolf>    https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267319 - what
> should be done about that? Is Trever Fischer here?
> Jul 25 18:39:21 <rindolf>    «phonon-gstreamer does not proclaim the video/mp4
> and audio/mp4 mimetypes [was amarok refuses to play an .mp4 file]»
> Jul 25 18:43:03 <wtay_>    rindolf, you should add the mime-type to phonon
> Jul 25 18:43:18 <wtay_>    gstreamer knows nothing about mime-types
> Jul 25 18:43:45 <__tim>    kkb110, things like that belong into bugzilla
> really, not the wiki
> Jul 25 18:44:19 <kkb110_>    __tim, yeah I just saw your comment on the wiki,
> I'm posting it to bugzilla now
> Jul 25 18:44:20 <rindolf>    wtay_: that's what I did, but see my URL.
> Jul 25 18:44:26 <__tim>    ok
> Jul 25 18:44:26 <rindolf>    wtay_: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267319
> Jul 25 18:45:03 <wtay_>    rindolf, I did,what does it say that you think is
> relevant?
> Jul 25 18:45:58 <rindolf>    wtay_: well, I wrote a patch for gstreamer-phonon
> to add video/mp4 and audio/mp4 where appropriate and Trevor Fischer said it
> should be fixed in gst itself.
> Jul 25 18:46:24 <wtay_>    rindolf, he's wrong, your patch is right
> Jul 25 18:46:49 <MikeS>    rindolf: trevor fischer must be confused then.
> GStreamer doesn't use mime-types in its API anywhere; if phonon wants to use
> mimetypes then _it_ needs to add them
> Jul 25 18:46:51 <rindolf>    wtay_: OK.
> Jul 25 18:47:27 <rindolf>    MikeS: OK.
> Jul 25 18:48:45 <leio>    I think the comment could be better though ;)
> Jul 25 18:48:59 <rindolf>    leio: which one?
> Jul 25 18:49:41 <leio>    about gstreamer not handling MIME types properly,
> when it doesn't actually have mime types
> Jul 25 18:50:06 <leio>    also, I don't think all video/mpeg would map to mp4
> Jul 25 18:51:25 <__tim>    no video/mpeg map to mp4 (the container format)
> Jul 25 18:52:13 <leio>    More like video/quicktime I think?
> [/QUOTE]
> I'm reopening this bug to solicit comments.

Can someone please comment on this bug? Why is there such a large round-trip delay? And I have provided a patch.


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 28 Rex Dieter 2011-08-08 16:45:12 UTC
Perhaps it's only my own naivety, but could these additional mimetypes be added to
`kde4-config --install services`/phononbackends/gstreamer.desktop
Comment 29 Shlomi Fish 2011-08-08 16:58:45 UTC
(In reply to comment #28)
> Perhaps it's only my own naivety, but could these additional mimetypes be added
> to
> `kde4-config --install services`/phononbackends/gstreamer.desktop
> ?

I would recommend against them, because then they will be permanent for the entire KDE installation and won't adapt themselves based on changes in gstreamer. What if you uninstall gstreamer plugin? Besides, I'm not sure that will fix the problem, because my investigations pointed to the phonon-gstreamer list.
Comment 30 Harald Sitter 2011-08-09 00:11:14 UTC
The desktop files are only used by the kde platform plugin, so that would not really fix the problem (and yes, the whole mimetype in desktop file is a bit moot :P)
Comment 31 Shlomi Fish 2011-08-28 07:45:05 UTC
Hi all.

Please comment on this bug or preferably fix it. To be honest, I'm getting really tired of reminding you people to deal with this bug, and I've even provided a patch, which has not been applied so far. This is the kind of indcidents that give open-source developers a bad name, and make me less willing to contribute, or more inclined to switch to a different software application. Please show some consideration and don't keep me in such a limbo. 


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 32 Harald Sitter 2011-08-28 18:18:38 UTC
Comment 33 Torrie Fischer 2011-08-29 13:47:32 UTC
(In reply to comment #31)
> Hi all.
> Please comment on this bug or preferably fix it. To be honest, I'm getting
> really tired of reminding you people to deal with this bug, and I've even
> provided a patch, which has not been applied so far. This is the kind of
> indcidents that give open-source developers a bad name, and make me less
> willing to contribute, or more inclined to switch to a different software
> application. Please show some consideration and don't keep me in such a limbo. 
> Regards,
> -- Shlomi Fish

Been there, done that: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267319#c24

But let's just continue beating this dead horse into a fine mist, for old time's sake, yes?

Your patch fixes the problem.

What your patch does not do, is fix it the *correct* way.

What your patch does is essentially a monkey patch[1]. It intercepts the normal list of 'supported' 'mime types' (use of quotes because gstreamer doesn't understand mime types) and extends it according to the conditions that fix some edge case. Monkey patches are bad, mmmkay?

The correct place to fix this is in either Amarok or upstream GStreamer. My preference is Amarok because idealy it shouldn't use mime types to determine if a file is playable and instead use some kind of "load it into a mediaobject, and see if we get any errors" method. Alternatively, just allowing it to accept audio/* would suffice. Considering how Amarok is the *only* application that doesn't seem to want your kind of drag and drop operation, I'm even less inclined to believe that this patch belongs in GStreamer or Phonon-GStreamer.

Comment 34 Myriam Schweingruber 2011-08-29 17:49:04 UTC
OK, reassigning to Amarok then.
Comment 35 Shlomi Fish 2012-01-12 23:10:08 UTC
Created attachment 67762 [details]
Tentative patch that fixes the problem.

This is a tentative patch that fixes the problem on Amarok by instantiating a Phonon::MediaObject object and trying to see if it can load the local file. It comes with the following reservations:

1. With Phonon-VLC all files (including non-media ones) are accepted. This appears to affect dragonplayer as well, and seems to be a Phonon::MediaObject's ->setCurrentSource() related bug. ( I'll report it later. )

2. I didn't try to enqueue playlist files yet.

3. On my x86-64 Mageia Linux cauldron laptop, the phonon-gstreamer backend often crashes Amarok. However, the same files also crash gst123.

4. I added some traces there to test something back when I was using phonon-vlc - they are no longer needed.

Anyway, please look into it and see if you like the direction I'm taking.


-- Shlomi Fish
Comment 36 Myriam Schweingruber 2012-05-18 10:05:03 UTC
Please see the excellent explanation in the other report.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 290168 ***