Version: unspecified (using KDE 4.6.0) OS: Linux Every time kate is opened the following is spammed: "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/kde4/apps/kate/externaltools, line 8: " "Invalid escape sequence "\'"." "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/kde4/apps/kate/externaltools, line 8: " "Invalid escape sequence "\'"." "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/kde4/apps/kate/externaltools, line 8: " "Invalid escape sequence "\'"." "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/kde4/apps/kate/externaltools, line 8: " "Invalid escape sequence "\'"." This should be pretty trivial to fix: change: \'%filename\' to: \\'%filename\\' or '%filename' (I'm not sure which is correct) Reproducible: Always
A corrected command: command=if [ -z %directory ]; then kdialog --title Error --msgbox "The document has never been saved and thus cannot be compared to RCS."; else\ncd %directory\nif [ -d .svn ] && grep %filename .svn/entries 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then\n svn diff %filename|kompare -o -\nelif [ -d CVS ] && grep %filename CVS/Entries 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then\n cvs diff -ub %filename|kompare -o -\nelif [ -d .git ] && echo $(git ls-files) | grep %filename 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then\n git diff %filename|kompare -o -\nelse\n kdialog --title Error --msgbox "The file '%filename' is not under revision control.";\nfi\nfi\n executable=kompare Please note the addition of a semi-colon after the initial 'if' (and before 'then') and the correction of the back-whack ('\') before the single-quotes in the message "The file '%filename' is not under revision control." Please note: echo $(git ls-files) <<- wrong git ls-files | grep <<- right Please note: the original script placed an "fi" before "cd %directory". This is wrong. If %directory was empty then kdialog would get executed with "The document has never been saved and thus.." *however* the script would then continue anyway. The logic here *should* be: if [ -z %directory ]; then kdialog --title Error --msgbox "The document has never been saved and thus cannot be compared to RCS."; else cd %directory || exit 1 if [ -d .svn ] && grep %filename .svn/entries 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then svn diff %filename|kompare -o - elif [ -d CVS ] && grep %filename CVS/Entries 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then cvs diff -ub %filename|kompare -o - elif [ -d .git ] && git ls-files | grep %filename 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then git diff %filename|kompare -o - else kdialog --title Error --msgbox "The file '%filename' is not under revision control."; fi fi Lastly, *none* of these work in subdirectories of the top-level project (except perhaps CVS -- I can't say). Almost all of these external commands are probably better implemented as external *helper scripts* which kate then executes with the right arguments. That would make them easier to maintain, easier to write correctly, and probably safer to execute. In this particular case, kate shipped with an external command that didn't even parse properly and doesn't work anyway. I suggest that this particular command be removed -- it has too many issues to be corrected. ditto externaltool_CompareDirectoryofCurrentDocumenttoRCS and externaltool_EmailCVSDiffforCurrentDocument.
Git commit 50d61a17d2d651ee5464f112f35fc5e4b9f204d9 by Christoph Cullmann. Committed on 05/06/2011 at 17:39. Pushed by cullmann into branch 'master'. remove broken commands thanks for pointing this out to Jon Nelson BUG: 265730 M +1 -31 kate/plugins/externaltools/externaltools
Confirm it is fixed in 4.7.0 final. Thanks!