Version: SVN trunk OS: Linux A user wants to know how and on what they spend on say the "food category" every week. The category filter is adjust to select this value, on a weekly transaction report. If there are any splits the weekly sums are wrong. The same total can be reached by doing a weekly income and expense report by category, it doesn't suffer from this problem and correctly allocates the splits. The weekly report incorrectly sums the total of the transaction rather than just the split amount of the selected category Use case. A user wants to know how and on what they spend on say the "food category" every week. The category filter is adjust to select this value, on a weekly transaction report. If there are any splits the weekly sums are wrong. The same total can be reached by doing a weekly income and expense report by category, it doesn't suffer from this problem and correctly allocates the splits. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Create a transaction and split this between two different categories. Create a transaction by week report. Modify the date range to only show the new transaction. Modify the category filter, select none, then select only ONE of the split categories. The weekly report incorrectly sums the total of the transaction rather than just the split amount of the selected category
What was the transaction report you chose? Depending on that, the behaviour you describe is correct. And, if you want to know the totals, you are correct in stating that "Income and Expenses" is the correct report.
The weekly transaction report. My typical use case;- I'm looking at an income and expense report and I notice an unusually high expense category. To investigate I want to see all the transactions kmm used to create this total, I want to get at the details! So I create a transaction report with the same filter setup as my Income & Expense report, with just this category selected in the filter. This I'm hoping will give me the details of how KMM is coming up with this total. What I'm finding is the totals generated by a Income and Expense report and a Transaction report are not consistent. This occur when splits are involved. In my opinion these report totals should be consistent. For every total in a summary report (such as an I&E report) there needs to be another report which provides the details of how that total was reached, and these need to be consistent. There is a similar relationship for cash flow report -> transaction report.
The weekly transaction report is a report by account. It will show all transactions which contain the categories you may have filtered, but it will sum up by account. ie. It will sum up the whole transaction, and not only the category you selected. To get the result you want, you should use a Transaction by Category report, and modify the time period accordingly. The behaviour of the reports is correct. You are just comparing the wrong reports. I hope this explanation helps you. Please ask if you need to know anything else. If you need help with some other topic, please write to and we'll be glad to assist you.