Sometimes the status indicator shows grey although the akonadi ressources are online and the device is online. Othertimes it shows downloading although the device is offline. Same goes for sending.
It's also confusing that sometimes the status of a local resource is online, imap is offline and the main status indicator shows online. I always have to take a look at the account menu to get the "real" status of my resources. Maybe it would also be possible to show the status of the current selected resource/account if one is selected in the breadcrumb navigation.
For the record: The problem seems to be that the Solid::Networking::statusChanged() signal is not emitted correctly on network status changes on WinCE. This might also be the cause for bug 258271.
SVN commit 1216169 by aheinecke: - Remove the use of private qt api. This did not work as intended so the status was never updated. When there was no instance of networkingcontrolmgr. (The minimalnetworkingclient used to test before does that) - Instanciate WinCE Networking Control Manager because it handles the Window Messages notifing about a Network status change. - Create the Networking control manager as a child window of the correct qt main window. So Messages are recive correctly even in multithreaded applications with multiple windows. - Cleanup debug output a bit. CCBUG: 258271 CCBUG: 263626 BUG: 263131 M +12 -23 networking_wince.cpp M +4 -0 networking_wince_p.h M +43 -7 networkingcontrolmanager_wince.cpp WebSVN link: