Version: SVN (using Devel) OS: Linux Hi , I really love the underline cursor mode , but inside VIM , it's become vague and hard to recognize ( i use cursorline sometimes ) , and i need to switch profile , it's not a good solution , but if a blacklist was here , and force konsole to use block-like cursor when VIM is currently running. Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce
A workaround for this vim problem to is running konsoleprofile command to change cursor shape on the fly when starting vim. For example, 'konsoleprofile CursorShape=0' will use block-cursor, and 1 for I-beam-cursor, and 2 for underline-cursor
close it since I fail to see how the requested feature is general enough. There is already workaround(using 'konsoleprofile') to automate the process of changing cursor shape.