Version: 3.98.x OS: Linux The online update of any investment held at "Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych (GPW)" failed each time. The reason is because the URL and the Regex for Price need to be updated. The following values work fine: URL: Price: Kurs.*(\d+\.\d+).[zł]*Data When the original URL of is used the website responds in English and the word "Kurs" does not appear in the search results. Also [zł] (the second letter is a Polish character - crossed L) needs to be used as this symbol is used after prices for some investments (shares) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: try to uppdate investments with the following codes: AGO LTS ARKAFRN12 BPHFIZSN OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.35-24-generic Compiler: cc I noticed this problem in the KmyMoney 4 included in Ubuntu 10.10
SVN commit 1210691 by tbaumgart: Updated regexp to extract prices from "Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych" BUG: 261803 M +1 -1 webpricequote.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 1210693 by tbaumgart: Updated regexp to extract prices from "Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych" Backport to stable branch. BUG: 261803 M +1 -1 webpricequote.cpp WebSVN link: