Version: unspecified (using Devel) OS: Linux Spectrum dialogue shows three tabs: "Settings", "Selected Peaks", and "List of All Peaks". Under "Settings" the values are indicated in "nm" (Nanometre) - which is not absolutely correct. Under "List of All Peaks", a list of a few common peaks are indicated, but they are given in Angstrom, not Nanometres. The peaks are also reported in Air, not Vacuum (to be disambiguoused). 10 Angstrom = 1 nm Angstrom is not an SI unit Reproducible: Always OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.35-24-generic Compiler: cc
Happy new year;) That was bugging me too. A long time ago kalzium had the peaks in nm. At some point the spectrum information in elements.xml was changed (or introduced?) to Angstrom. The issue was fixed in the 4.6 branch, so that all is shown in angstrom. Maybe, a setting for the lenght units will find his way in 4.7... Etienne
Git commit a8afae0c20de5701e39fe929974ee99bc61cca39 by Etienne Rebetez. Committed on 22/04/2011 at 16:52. Pushed by erebetez into branch 'master'. add unit and spectrum type settings. spectrum wavelength units can now be nanometers or angstroms. fix AbsorptionSpectrum colors. BUG: 261671 M +12 -0 src/kalzium.kcfg M +77 -43 src/spectrumview.ui M +36 -14 src/spectrumviewimpl.cpp M +2 -0 src/spectrumviewimpl.h M +30 -30 src/spectrumwidget.cpp M +10 -14 src/spectrumwidget.h