Bug 261311 - Krusader - user-interface - dropped URL into Panel of Krusader
Summary: Krusader - user-interface - dropped URL into Panel of Krusader
Alias: None
Product: docs.kde.org
Classification: Websites
Component: Corrections (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Mandriva RPMs Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Documentation Editorial Team
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Reported: 2010-12-26 19:57 UTC by Lukas Vlcek
Modified: 2011-04-26 18:59 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Lukas Vlcek 2010-12-26 19:57:18 UTC
Version:           unspecified (using Devel) 
OS:                Linux

In the documentation (krusader_user-interface.po; user-interface.docbook:425):
<emphasis> <guilabel>Totals Label</guilabel> </emphasis>: selecting or deselecting files will change the <emphasis> <guilabel>Totals Label</guilabel> </emphasis>at the bottom of the panel, which displays how many files you have selected (and how much total disk space they use) as well as the total file and disk usage of the current directory (as opposed to the information label that displays information for the whole file system). If a directory contains a lot of subdirectories, it may not be possible to drop the &URL; onto the panel (on which only directories are visible), but the -->> &URL; <<-- can be -->> dropped <<-- onto the  -->> "Status Bar" <<-- or "Totals Label" instead. When a <link linkend="view-menu">custom filter</link> is set, it will show the setting, example: [*.cpp].

Describe written options:
Picture form Firefox, File from Dolphin, etc. can be dropped into the List Panel inside or Total Label or -->> Information Label <<--.

My hypothesis:
URL can't be dropped into the "Status Bar".

Reproducible: Didn't try

Steps to Reproduce:
translating documentation

Actual Results:  
<emphasis> <guilabel>Totals Label</guilabel> </emphasis>: selecting or deselecting files will change the <emphasis> <guilabel>Totals Label</guilabel> </emphasis>at the bottom of the panel, which displays how many files you have selected (and how much total disk space they use) as well as the total file and disk usage of the current directory (as opposed to the information label that displays information for the whole file system). If a directory contains a lot of subdirectories, it may not be possible to drop the &URL; onto the panel (on which only directories are visible), but the &URL; can be dropped onto the "Status Bar" or "Totals Label" instead. When a <link linkend="view-menu">custom filter</link> is set, it will show the setting, example: [*.cpp].

Expected Results:  
<emphasis> <guilabel>Totals Label</guilabel> </emphasis>: selecting or deselecting files will change the <emphasis> <guilabel>Totals Label</guilabel> </emphasis>at the bottom of the panel, which displays how many files you have selected (and how much total disk space they use) as well as the total file and disk usage of the current directory (as opposed to the information label that displays information for the whole file system). If a directory contains a lot of subdirectories, it may not be possible to drop the &URL; onto the panel (on which only directories are visible), but the &URL; can be dropped onto the "Information Label" or "Totals Label" instead. When a <link linkend="view-menu">custom filter</link> is set, it will show the setting, example: [*.cpp].