Version: unspecified OS: Linux Sometimes I find myself clicking on “Pictures” over and over again and not having my files displayed since I recently typed in a filter and moved/deleted the file(s) displayed. I‘d like to have the filter box being cleared when clicking the current folder in the places list. (See also Bug 255408) Reproducible: Always
Resetting assignee to default as per bug #305719
Cannot reproduce on dolphin 2.0/KDE4.8.5 (Kubuntu). The bug was reported in 2010, it might have been fixed in the meantime.
This report is still valid. Notice the condition "clicking the current folder in the places list"
I think the functionality is correct. It does clear if you choose a different folder.
Its technically correct, but not intuitive. For instance by clicking the home-folder I would expect to get to a sane default, thus no filters selected, for what other reason would I click this button (regardless if, but especially when I already am inside). This is clearly only an edge case, but another step on the road towards perfection.
I agree with Yes, the current behavior is technically correct, but what's technically correct isn't automatically what users expect. From a user perspective, there isn't much difference between clicking on the current entry on the side bar, or a different one. Also, why would users click on the folder they're already in if they didn't expect anything to change? Therefore the proposed change makes sense. Notice that this does not apply if the filter is "locked", of course.
Git commit 96323e049c700fcd63d93f00c5b92a8ddfe0cb27 by Serg Podtynnyi. Committed on 25/01/2023 at 11:37. Pushed by felixernst into branch 'master'. Clear filter bar on clicking current folder in places Reset the filter bar when user clicks on the current folder in places list, also rename slot function to be more clear. M +2 -0 src/dolphinmainwindow.cpp M +6 -1 src/dolphinviewcontainer.cpp M +1 -0 src/dolphinviewcontainer.h M +1 -1 src/filterbar/filterbar.cpp M +1 -1 src/filterbar/filterbar.h