Version: 1.5.0 (using KDE 4.5.4) OS: Linux As soon as I click Free Rotation, the tool quickly shows and then digikam crashes: Object::connect: No such slot DigikamTransformImagePlugin::FreeRotationTool::slotUpdateSpotInfo(const Digikam::DColor&, const QPoint&) in /data/cworkspace/digikam-trunk/digikam/utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortool.cpp:134 Object::connect: (receiver name: 'freerotation') Object::connect: No such slot DigikamTransformImagePlugin::FreeRotationTool::slotUpdateSpotInfo(const Digikam::DColor&, const QPoint&) in /data/cworkspace/digikam-trunk/digikam/utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortool.cpp:137 Object::connect: (receiver name: 'freerotation') digikam(10183)/digikam (core) Digikam::EditorToolThreaded::slotEffect: Preview "Free Rotation" started... digikam: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/ undefined symbol: _ZNK7Digikam16ImageGuideWidget10imageIfaceEv Reproducible: Always OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.36-1.slh.2-aptosid-amd64 Compiler: cc
It seems like you have mixed digikam libraries on your system, old and new. Try uninstall any digikam distro packages first if you compile from sources (and then recompile and do again make install as root) or try reinstalling digikam packages.
Thanks! This was it. I still had digikam in my /usr/local folder. So I removed *digikam* from /usr and reinstalled it. Now it works fine and even shows 1.7 as version number instead of 1.5 :)