version: 20101112 / svn 1195843 Start a new event. Enter an attendee in the More->Attendees Tab. => The flap cannot be closed. But I can... Click on "Save" => I am asked if I want to send the mail. Click on Send to attendee. => Crash. I should send an invitation to the attendee.
Can't reproduce on korg-mobile running on the desktop. Can you get a backtrace? I believe Andre has a setup that can get BTs in wince.
Not really a backtrace, with rel with debug i run out of virtual addresses when starting korganizer without the loader. But the following should be helpful: korganizer-mobile(3288125150)/libkdepim class QObject *__cdecl Akonadi::PluginLoader::createForName(const class QString &): "Could not find plugin 'akonadi_serializer_mail' for application 'korganizer-mobile'" korganizer-mobile(3288125150)/libakonadi class QObject *__cdecl Akonadi::PluginEntry::plugin(void) const: ItemSerializerPluginLoader: plugin "message/rfc822@KMime::Message*" is not valid! korganizer-mobile(3288125150)/libakonadi class QObject *__cdecl Akonadi::PluginEntry::plugin(void) const: ItemSerializerPluginLoader: plugin "message/rfc822@KMime::Message*" doesn't provide interface ItemSerializerPlugin! RaiseException: Thread=89a04400 Proc=80462af0 'korganizer-mobile.exe' AKY=80000001 PC=03f8eb54(coredll.dll+0x00044b54) RA=800284f8(NK.EXE+0x000284f8) BVA=00000000 FSR=00000000 Unhandled exception at 0x03f8eb54 in korganizer-mobile.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Akonadi::PayloadException at memory location 0x418bed1c..
the pluginloading code has to be changed to allow static serializers i think.
yes the akonadi_serializer_mail is not linked in, will change this.
fixed in svn 1198301
Now trying to send an invitation brings up a message box text/calendar@default is not buildin static after that: text/calendar@KCalCore::Incidence * is not buildin static
SVN commit 1199518 by aholzammer: - Dont make false alarm that a plugin is missing for wince BUG: 256690 M +10 -8 pluginloader.cpp WebSVN link:
version: 4.6. beta2 (svn-1204839) Test of the description no longer crash. (But the invitation stays in the outbox. Another problem.) Close this one.