Version: 1.5.0 (using KDE 4.4.4) OS: Linux Konverting a CR2 (Canon RAW) file to DNG results in pictures (and preview) with a red fog. This can be corrected by hand, but is not as intended. Besides the file is magically about 1MB smaller - strange. The meta data I entered to describe and catalog the picture are not taken to the DNG file - thought it was one benefit to have full meta data in the file itself. And the most worse I found after some verification: the comment of the original CR2 file was removed from the data base during conversion! really, you can see the process during conversion - it disappears silently. Please have a look. Thanks Reproducible: Always
Please update your KDE installation to 4.5, the bug should be fixed there. Jens
Hi Jens, did upgrade to KDE 4.5.3 (on a brand new installed and updated SUSE 11.3) and tested with my CR2 file. Unfortunately it's all the same behavior as with KDE 4.4.4 as reported above. Another issue came up: The Lens information is not taken from the original file (a "Canon EF 28-105mm..." is shown as "1.0 - 1.9 mm") and the Flash info changed from "Yes, compulsory" to "No flash". This can be seen in the photograph properties as well as in the Makernote. Can you repro this? Thanks in advance for your work.
Hi cfunghi, the version field in this bug entry is marked as 1.5.0. Is this only you installed digikam version or your kipi-plugins version as well? Could you also provide a sample to test with? The meta information issue is probably the same as in #255137, but I can check this with your sample. Jens
Hi Jens, The kipi-plugins are Version: 1.5.0-8.1 Erstellt am: Mo 11 Okt 2010 14:42:30 CEST Will send a CR2 file directly to your email address (as the file is too large for upload here) Regards Cfunghi
Created attachment 53489 [details] digikam/dngconverter 1.6
Created attachment 53490 [details] component-info
Cfunghi, there is no red fog for me. Are you shure you are using libkdcraw 1.2 (from kdegraphics package 4.5.3)? Did you convert your CR2 to DNG after update again? There are no issues about lens and flash anymore, but makernotes are not visible for canon-dngs inside digikam anymore because of missing exiv2 feature (they are still there, stored as DngPrivateData). I discovered only one thing, exif metering mode of your cr2 is 'Average', makernote metering is 'Center weighted'. The resulting dng exif metering mode is then 'Center weighted average'. In which mode did you shot the image? Regards, Jens
Hi Jens, with the versions of kdegraphics4 (4.5.3-6.2) and the libkdcraw (4.5.3-6.2) seems to be some difference to the version number you were asking. The above information is from YAST. But the component information of digikam says: digiKam version 1.5.0 Exiv2 can write to Jp2: Yes Exiv2 can write to Jpeg: Yes Exiv2 can write to Pgf: No Exiv2 can write to Png: Yes Exiv2 can write to Tiff: Yes Exiv2 supports XMP metadata: Yes LibCImg: 130 LibExiv2: 0.19 LibJPEG: 80 LibJasper: 1.900.1 LibKDE: 4.5.3 (KDE 4.5.3) "release 8" LibKExiv2: 1.1.0 LibKdcraw: 1.1.0 LibLCMS: 118 LibPGF: 6.09.44 LibPNG: 1.4.3 LibQt: 4.6.3 LibRaw: 0.11.0-Beta7 LibTIFF: LIBTIFF, Version 3.9.2 Copyright (c) 1988-1996 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Marble widget: 0.10.3 Parallelized demosaicing: Yes Database backend: QSQLITE LibGphoto2: 2.4.9 LibKipi: 1.1.0 So, now I'm not sure where to get the libdcraw 1.2 ? Regards Cfunghi
I'm working to long with trunk version :o) - v1.1 is the one of KDE 4.5.3. Seems that one fix from KDE 4.6 trunk is missing for 4.5.
Backport missing patch for libraw 0.11 blacklevels from trunk.
One missing note: fix will be available with KDE 4.5.4