Version: unspecified (using KDE 4.5.2) OS: Linux I think It is supposed, that if I go to "system settings"->"window behavior"->"specific settings", add new rule, for example for dolphin, and in preferences tab check "Autogroup with identical" and "autogroup in foreground", and leave combobox settings with "do not affect" - selected app would never use kwin tabbing - dolphin windows would never use kwin tabbing, but they always tabbing. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: see Details Actual Results: app windows use tabbing Expected Results: app windows show separately
no, you've to set it to "force" and _not_ check the rightside checkbox granted: the rule configuration is certainly not the best example of great & intuitive UI ;-) (i've actually no idea whether this rule works, please try and reset the bug from invalid if it doe really not work, despite correct configuration - maybe you have to kill the dolphin process (all windows run in one) before it actually applies)