In kmail-mobile you have a gesture which needs to press down the screen and move a (long) distance to slide to the next mail. In korg-mobile even smallest movements are causing date changes. Therefore often if you want so select e.g. an event the view changes to another date instead of opening the event details view. Expected behavior: 1) Press down the screen 2) Move the finger/stylus at least half the screen size 3) Calendar date is changed
Maybe slightly better in 4:4.5~20100920.1177660-1maemo1.1177547, but still too sensitive. In week view one has to move approximately one day width to slide - I suggest to make it at least 3. Optimal solution would be to have a fully scrollable canvas (currently, scrolling is made "step"-wise wrt the scope of one view - day/week/month).
SVN commit 1182982 by bbroeksema: Set the correct swipelength for all Declarative items. BUG: 251552 M +2 -0 korganizer-mobile.qml WebSVN link:
Confirming fix, useable in version 4:4.5~20101008.1183623-1maemo1.1182955.