Version: unspecified (using KDE 4.4.4) OS: Linux Starting playing radio stations, transmitted via DVB-S (Hauppauge Nova S+), the sound is tumbling and not playing continuously. TV ist OK. Old Kaffeine 0.8.8 from Packman on openSUSE 11.1 with KDE 4.5.1 installed is doing fine. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Clicking radio station in Kaffeine Actual Results: tumbling audio stream Expected Results: radio stream over satellite should play continuously OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.34-12-desktop Compiler: gcc Kaffeine from Packman for openSUSE 11.3 64
I can confirm that this defect exists on 1.1 on Opensuse 11.3, and 1.2.2 on both Opensuse 11.3 and 11.4, while 0.8.8 works absolutely fine. DVB-S Radio is the only reason why I use Kaffeine in the first place, and this is very annoying. Any chance to see this fixed?
I think Kaffeine stumble with the sound on DVB-S Radiostations they have EPG-Data to download from air, Kaffeine give the follouing massage: kaffeine(3656) DvbEpgModel::addEntry: invalid entry. In Programms whitout EPD-Data's the error with the sound stumbeling is not there, like the Programm: DLF, DRadioWissen and other Programms whitout EPD-Data in the Datastream. I hope this is useful for fixing the bug
I think i had a usefull Trick for you. When you try to make a Timeshift for a view seconds (20 - 30 sek) the Radio Station will have no stumbeling anymore. You have just to Klick the Pause - Button and then after 20-30 sekonds press it again. The sound would be played whitout any stumbeling :-). Before i found that way i tried to change many Xine parameter in the file /home/users/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/xine-config. But i don't have any success with any change i can do make - i think the bug is not in the Xine- engine but in Kaffeine to search.
This bug is too old, for a version < 1.3. Closing it, as the latest version is 2.0.1, and lots of things changed since version 1.2.x, including the usage of VLC as video display backend, support for DVB-T2 and ISDB-T via libVLC, etc. You may check on the upstream version and see if the bug was solved. The README file contains instructions about how to compile it. You can find it at our git repository: If you find similar issues with version 2.0.1, please re-open.