1) Start kmail-mobile and e.g. htop to observe used memory. 2) Click "Write New Mail", switch back to the main view, do this a couple of times. 3) Switch to the Maemo Window Switcher (CTRL+BACKSP). 4) While there is still a Splash Screen, close a different "New mail" View, but do neither confirm to discard or save the mail as draft. 5) Switch to e.g. htop and see continueing memory increase. The memory consumption slowly increases at for at least 10 minutes.
"neither confirm to discard or save the mail as draft" means you effectively keep the composer windows open, right? The more interesting question is, does the memory consumption go back down to where it was before when actually closing the windows again? It's not surprising they need extra memory while being open after all. Massif shows about 4M per composer here, including the splash screen, but goes down to the initial value again after closing the window.
Yes, leave the Composer View with the black dialog (~Discard|Save) open. The memory consumption (looked at VIRT in htop) went up and up and decreased after i closed all windows. It did not decrease to the initial value, though. Sorry, do not have any numbers right now.
Not observed anymore in version 4:4.5~20100917.1176295-1maemo1.1174921 .
Not observed anymore in version 4:4.6~20101025.1189387-1maemo1.1188357 so closed.