When creating a new Contact and opening the "More" flap there is the point "Pronunciation" ("Listen to Name") at the very bottom. Contrasting other items, it is written in very small blue, underlined letters. Touching the string (it resembles a link on an internet page, at least) does not lead to any observeable behaviour. Found in version 4:4.5~20100827.1168757-1maemo1.1169941 .
SVN commit 1186232 by vkrause: Hide the pronunciation label when there is no sound set. BUG: 249614 M +6 -1 editormore.cpp M +2 -6 editormore_namepage.ui WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1186232
Confirmed, hidden in 4:4.6~20101022.1188351-1maemo1.1187374 .