The large table showing all available applications ("Application Menu?") on N900 with defaults, reads "KDE Address Boo" (note the missing K). This might be due to cropping. (Installation of kpdepim-mobile from from experimental repository.)
Version: 4:4.5~20100813.1163254-1maemo1.1164259
Where does this menu comes from? It doubt this is a problem of KAddressBook...
It's in the application desktop file, it's just one letter too long to be fully displayed in the menu of the N900.
While it looks funny at first, I would not consider this a minor minor issue. Its nice if a user smiles or laughs while waiting for the application to start, but here the smiling is on the cost of the application to be started. I do not have to spell out the other word with the other plosive consonant which we do not want to hear in combination with "KDE" software, I guess.
SVN commit 1176811 by tilladam: Rename KDE Address Book to KDE Contacts, so it fits into the launcher. BUG: 248486 M +3 -3 kaddressbook-mobile.desktop WebSVN link:
Confirming solution for version 4:4.5~20100920.1177273-1maemo1.1174921 .