Bug 247695 - kspreadsheet:msoffice2000: comments are not visible for the cells formatted show comments
Summary: kspreadsheet:msoffice2000: comments are not visible for the cells formatted s...
Alias: None
Product: calligracommon
Classification: Applications
Component: filters (show other bugs)
Version: Git
Platform: Unlisted Binaries All
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Calligra Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-08-27 16:44 UTC by Lassi Nieminen
Modified: 2023-01-18 05:12 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Test data created in MS excel 2000 (13.50 KB, application/vnd.ms-excel)
2009-08-27 16:44 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
screen shot when viewed in koffice (101.25 KB, image/x-png)
2009-08-27 17:21 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
Test data created in MS excel 2003 (13.50 KB, application/vnd.ms-excel)
2009-09-16 10:42 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
Test data created in Open document format(Spread) (9.66 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2009-10-06 16:01 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
Test data created in MS excel 2007 (8.91 KB, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
2009-10-23 09:17 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
Screen shot when viewed in kspread-1076388 (177.99 KB, image/pjpeg)
2010-01-20 12:18 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
Screen shot when viewed in msoffice (58.83 KB, image/pjpeg)
2010-01-20 12:20 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
pyodconverter converted testdata (9.43 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2010-03-08 08:31 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
koconverter converted testdata (3.06 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2010-03-08 08:32 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
koconverter converted testdata opened in openoffice (121.33 KB, image/x-png)
2010-03-08 08:32 UTC, Lassi Nieminen
pyodconverter converted testdata opened in koffice (113.26 KB, image/x-png)
2010-03-08 08:33 UTC, Lassi Nieminen

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description David Faure 2010-08-13 20:34:57 UTC

---- Reported by lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2009-08-27 17:44:30 +0300 ----

Created an attachment
Test data created in MS excel 2000

  Kubuntu 9.04
  Koffice (svn version 1007302)
  Test document (MS excel 2000): me00_show_comments.xls


  1. Open the attached document in MS excel 2000.
  2. Open the same document in KSpread.
  3. Observe that comments are not visible for the cells formatted with show comments.

Comments should be visible upon opening a document
Comemnts are not visible

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2009-08-27 18:21:24 +0300 ----

Created an attachment
screen shot when viewed in koffice

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2009-09-16 11:42:12 +0300 ----

Created an attachment
Test data created in MS excel 2003

Koffice revision number:1021093

Same behaviour is observed when above steps repeated for the test data created
in MS office 2003.

Attaching the test data created in MS excel 2003

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2009-10-06 17:01:04 +0300 ----

Created an attachment
Test data created in Open document format(Spread)

Koffice revision number:1031434

Same behaviour is observed when above steps repeated for the test data created
in open spread.

Attaching the test data created in open spread

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2009-10-23 10:17:15 +0300 ----

Created an attachment
Test data created in MS excel 2007

Issue is observed for test data created in Office 2007
Version: 1037805

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2009-12-04 10:35:38 +0200 ----

Reassigning bugs from noname to noname

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-01-18 22:55:36 +0200 ----


---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-01-20 13:17:07 +0200 ----

Retested in koffice version 1076388.

Actually show comments should be displayed when we open the file. no need of selecting the cell.

But now the comments are not shown when opened the doc once we select the cell having comments then comments are displayed.

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-01-20 13:18:17 +0200 ----

Created an attachment
Screen shot when viewed in kspread-1076388

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-01-20 13:20:24 +0200 ----

Created an attachment
Screen shot when viewed in msoffice

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-02-05 17:57:06 +0200 ----

The Excel-filter does read a Excel-file and translates them to a ODF-file. The ODF-file is then read by KSpread and rendered to what we see.

This report describes the case, that comments are not visible. That is not a big surprise cause reading comments from Excel-files and translating them to ODF-files was not supported. We did implement that support. Comments are now loaded, translated to ODF and finally rendered in KSpread like KSpread does support it.

KSpread does support only
1) displaying an optional comment-indicator (enabled by default) and
2) displaying the comment itself on mouse-over on a yellow box.

What is not possible is to solve the way KSpread does display comments in the Excel-filter. In fact it's even not possible in the ODF-filter too cause afaik there does not exist any way to define in a ODF-file how the comment should be displayed by the consumer-application aka KSpread.

The question how the comment should be displayed needs to be solved in KSpread itself. This cannot be solved by either the 2000/2003 or the 2007 (https://projects.noname.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=144553) or the ODF (https://projects.noname.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=149379) filters cause it's only KSpread's decision how to display comments/notes/annotations. See for example http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Notes2 for the documentation of the process how OpenOffice.org got it's current way to display notes and http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Notes2_OtherIdeas for alternate ways that where discussed.

So, our understanding of this as well as the other reports is, that they describe the defect that no comments where displayed. That defect got fixed, comments are loaded and displayed the way KSpread decides to display comments.

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-03-03 11:51:54 +0200 ----

In the attached test data the comments should be displayed by default not when mouse click or mouse over on the comment cell.

KSpread does support only
1) displaying an optional comment-indicator (enabled by default) and

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-03-08 09:31:40 +0200 ----

Created an attachment
pyodconverter converted testdata

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-03-08 09:32:07 +0200 ----

Created an attachment
koconverter converted testdata

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-03-08 09:32:26 +0200 ----

Created an attachment
koconverter converted testdata opened in openoffice

---- Additional Comments From lassi.ta.nieminen@nokia.com 2010-03-08 09:33:22 +0200 ----

Created an attachment
pyodconverter converted testdata opened in koffice

Observation (1096327) : File got corrupted when converted using koconverter and when loaded in open office error message is displayed.

KOffice loaded the OOo-converted document properly, show comments are displayed only when the cell having comments is highlighted.

--- Bug imported by faure@kde.org 2010-08-13 20:34  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 135687.

Imported an attachment (id=50173)
Imported an attachment (id=50174)
Imported an attachment (id=50175)
Imported an attachment (id=50176)
Imported an attachment (id=50177)
Imported an attachment (id=50178)
Imported an attachment (id=50179)
Imported an attachment (id=50180)
Imported an attachment (id=50181)
Imported an attachment (id=50182)
Imported an attachment (id=50183)

Bug Status was REOPENED but everconfirmed was false
   Setting status to UNCONFIRMED

Comment 1 Andrew Crouthamel 2018-11-09 00:58:42 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been stagnant for a long time. Could you help us out and re-test if the bug is valid in the latest version? I am setting the status to NEEDSINFO pending your response, please change the Status back to REPORTED when you respond.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 2 Andrew Crouthamel 2018-11-18 03:21:51 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This is a reminder that this bug has been stagnant for a long time. Could you help us out and re-test if the bug is valid in the latest version? This bug will be moved back to REPORTED Status for manual review later, which may take a while. If you are able to, please lend us a hand.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 3 Justin Zobel 2022-12-19 00:13:22 UTC
Thank you for reporting this issue in KDE software. As it has been a while since this issue was reported, can we please ask you to see if you can reproduce the issue with a recent software version?

If you can reproduce the issue, please change the status to "REPORTED" when replying. Thank you!
Comment 4 Bug Janitor Service 2023-01-03 05:27:09 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 5 Bug Janitor Service 2023-01-18 05:12:12 UTC
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!