Version: unspecified (using KDE 4.5.0) OS: Linux When trying to move around about 4-5 windows in KWin tiling, the workspace may lock up completely. Nothing can be clicked, nothing responds. Killing the kwin process from a TTY brings the system back. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: - Open 5-6 windows, happens most often if multiple windows belong to the same application (for example: Krusader - Synchronise directories - Compare files OR Kopete with multiple chats open) - Move them around a lot. Try to float - unfloat them, move them between virtual desktops or on a multi-head config between screens Actual Results: - KWin locks up completely, the only way to get the desktop respond again to anything is to kill KWin from a TTY
As of git commit 34027455aaa2ee738c45987ca2d8cb7d65491bf0 window tiling support has been removed from KWin. This change will go into version 4.10, the upcoming release 4.9 still provides window tiling support. The discussion has been taken on the developer mailing list [1]. A short summary of the reasons here: * it is unmaintained * it is a mode not used by any of the core KWin team * original developer said at Akademy 2012 that he is not interested in picking up the work again * tiling has quite some bugs, e.g. multi screen not supported * is conflicting with other concepts in KWin, e.g. activities A result of this change is that we will not implement any new features or fix bugs related to window tiling. There is ongoing work to provide window tiling as an external KWin script. We encourage everyone to participate in this effort and to make it really rock and have it available once 4.10 is going to be released. The current state can be found in the git repository [2] in the directory kwin/scripts/tiling. [1] [2]
If I am not mistaken tiling is still enabled by default (fedora rawhide). At least I can confirm the same behaviour as of today.
To add a few details: The current *default* kwin is very unresponsive while drawing the "ghost tiling rectangles* approaching screen edges Only if: 1) Wayland 2) One of the screens is set to 2X (the scale factor)
Damian Ivanov, can you still reproduce it with Plasma 5.27?
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This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!