Version: unspecified OS: Linux User prefers to plot data "All curves one plot" Using Data Wizard, user selects Curve Placement "All curves in one plot" radio-button, and it works. The same user wants to create another plot of another data set, using the same settings, maybe same tab. However meanwhile the Curve Placement radio-button has reset to its default "1 new plot per curve", so it's necessary to select the same option again. Worse, if the user forgets to select the option again, Kst goes ahead and plots all the curves, one new plot per curve; This then takes a while to clean up .. Reproducible: Always Expected Results: Having used the Data Wizard once in a session, one would expect it to retain the previous selected values, so that it's not necessary to select them again. Common behaviour both on Kst 1.8 and 2.0.
SVN commit 1160066 by netterfield: BUG: 246686 Add sticky defaults to the data wizard. M +88 -1 libkstapp/datawizard.cpp M +6 -0 widgets/dialogdefaults.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 1161111 by arwalker: BUG:246686 do not override user specified curve placement settings in the data wizard M +8 -3 kstdatawizard_i.cpp WebSVN link: